The End (For Real This Time)

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So, this is really it, huh?

There are no buts, no Wattpad conditions that are forcing this to end.

You know, I kinda thought I'd be sadder to see this series go.

I mean, I've spent four years writing all of these, but I'm not. If anything, I'm excited.

These one-shots, for as short and simple as they can be sometimes, take a surprising amount of time and effort.

I can easily spend 3 days on each of these. The first is spent writing the rough draft, the second revising the rough draft, and for the third I proof read with fresh eyes and then post it.

So, needless to say, these daily challenges are never the best ideas in hindsight, but they are kinda fun in a stressful sort of way.

Some part of me thinks I could keep this going for the rest of forever, but I don't wanna do that.

I don't want these books to just keep going even as I run out of ideas, getting worse and worse.

So this is it. 278 chapters. Nearly 400 thousand reads and over 7 thousand votes later and we finally made it to the finale.

The majority of my nearly 140 followers come from this book.

Almost 70% (69.15 to be more specific. Yes I did the math, be quiet) of my entire presence on this app is in these two little books.

My evolution as a writer is in these two book.

So, to put it simply, I owe just about everything to these one-shots and they'll always have a very special place in my heart because of it.

I'm not completely done, which is to say I still have to go back and revise and proof read the majority of the later installments, but there will be no new chapters and you probably won't know the difference if you go back and read them after they're fixed.

These big milestones always have some pertinent information. So, I'll say 3 or so.

That how many more books, not including the ones already published, I plan to write before I give Wattpad, and this fandom, a proper goodbye.

I'll still listen to the music and watch the interviews and just all around adore these five boys and their wonderful personalities, I just won't be writing as I do it.

I like the idea of this platform containing the Why Don't We era of my writing (and the singular Warriors book I've been chipping away at) and nothing else.

I'll be moving on to Archive after that, but in reality I've been writing over there for two or so months.

I don't know if there's much overlap between anime and Why Don't We, let alone One Peice. The anime that chases off even the most dedicated watchers, but just in case any of you are curious I'll be writing almost exclusively about the Monster Trio as far as One Piece goes. Law will make an appearance every now and again.

I'll probably write for Hamilton too. Mostly some of the rarer pairs with a little bit of Jamilton because as far as ships goes it's a pretty funny one.

I'll dabble in a few others things because the sky's the limit over there.

My name will be the same, except chaos is spelled right because someone didn't have it first. Or maybe they did and Archive just didn't care.

There isn't really much organization to this, I just add whatever pops into my head, but I'm done now.

All there's left to say is thank you.

Thank you for sticking around and reading or voting or commenting.

Just thank you for being here.

If you read my other stuff this is not farewell.

If you don't, then it is.

Regardless of which is true of you, this is the end for these shots.

Happy new year.

Bye, guys.


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