2》Ours (Part Two): Dorbah- Fluff

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Summary: Corbyn knows it'll never truly leave him, this emptiness, but they make it just a little more bearable. The touches of his lovers, the innocence of children. He just wishes it hadn't taken him so long to see that

Daniel's POV
" Jonah! Daniel!" Lavender cheered, running over to them.

Jonah caught his daughter, an affectionate shine to his eyes," hey there, little lady."

" Where's your brother, Lav?" Daniel wondered, eyes searching for his own kid.

" Elli's in his room," she pouted then," Uncle Zach got mad at him."

" What did Uncle Zach say?" He kept his voice pleasant for the young girl, even as his brain cycled through all the ways he could kill the Prince slowly.

" I don' know. Ms. Tami wouldn' let me listen, but he was yelling."

Jonah was petting her long hair, silently encouraging her on.

Daniel couldn't say he was shocked to see this side of his oldest brother. Jonah had always been gentle in a way that made him perfect for children.

" Where's El's room, sweetheart?"

" Next to mine," she answered, already looking around for something to play with.

Daniel laughed with a fond shake of his head. He didn't know why he bothered. She wasn't even three yet.

" Go left until you meet a right. Second to last door," Jonah mused, taking the doll the little girl handed to him.

And Daniel's gone, following his older brother's instructions and coming to a large, dark door.

He knocked hard twice," Elliot! It's Daniel!"

Silence was his only answer for a few moments before the door opened to reveal the large-small boy.

" You didn't come in," he says softly, voice shaky.

" Of course not. You didn't tell me to."

A three year old having his own room is... interesting, but he has one and room's have rules.

" Papa does, doesn't knock though," he blinks those big blue eyes and Daniel sees the glisten to them.

" You okay?" He asks kindly and the boy steps aside so he can come in.

Daniel shuts it and goes to lock it only to find there isn't one.

His son sits on his bed and Daniel joins him, looking around the room.

It's plain, filled up with priceless artwork a kid could never appreciate and intricate wooden furniture and a conapy bed.

" I spilled food on my good shirt and Papa got upset," he looks down at his little hands," he always yells."

Daniel pets his son's hair, prompting those big eyes up to him," your Papa's a meanie. Don't let him get to you."

Asshole. That's the world Daniel would've used, perhaps scum of the Earth, but little Elliot wouldn't understand those as well.

" You aren't a meanie," and that makes Daniel smile.

" Thank you, El," he whispers, leaning down to kiss the child's forehead.

He stiffens, but hugs his neck hard the next second. Tucking away, Daniel holds him and his heart is aching.

He had never understood his parents. Had barely known them, but he can't fathom turning his back on this sweet little thing.

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