6》You'll Be Alright (Part Three): Jorbyn- Fluff

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Summary: She was like the wind, nothing more than a fleeting feeling, invisible and cold. Corbyn was like a warm stone, steady and unmoving, smooth and hot to the touch

Lyrics: "But nothing heals/ The past like time/ And they can't steal/ The love you're born to find"

Jonah's POV
For the first time in what seemed to be forever, he was alone.

Corbyn had disappeared through the door an hour ago. Real food, he wanted to get real food, lasagna to be specific.

Jonah thought it would be harder, seeing him leave, but... he wasn't enjoying it, per say, but it was refreshing.

Jonah still glanced at the door every time it shifted though.


Impossibly gentle fingers cradled the photo, tracing the grooves of the wood, then the curve of her cheek.

It felt wrong, seeing her even when he was laid on the couch with him. It... it felt like cheating.

Carefully, he flipped the frame over. He twisted at the little silver backings and tugging the cloth support.

The picture followed easily and Jonah placed the other pieces on the coffee table.

He gazed down at her picture, her face completely unobstructed.

She was laid back against a tree, eyes alight while a bird ate seed straight from her hand.

His phone rang, chirping brightly and he wandered over to it.

There he saw a picture of Corbyn behind his contact information.

He was laying against the cushion of Jonah's coach. Cheek squished in his hand with a fond look to his eyes.

They had the same shine her's did, but it wasn't a bird his shined for.

Three years.

That picture of him was three years old.

Jonah throws away the laminated paper while he answers.


" Why am I nervous?" Jonah wonders softly, watching Corbyn slip the final button into place.

He can feel his heat through the fabric.

" You're just a little starstruck, that's all," the tease warm in his throat.

It was almost scary how quickly he returned to his old self. No more pity or sugarcoating, just sweet teases and sweeter smiles.

" Yeah. I am," Jonah admits low in his chest, which hasn't quite found the time to settle yet.

Corbyn gazes up at him," fucking sap," he murmurs.

Only for you.

And, despite everything, Jonah knows it's true.


He's flat where she dipped. Hard where she was soft.

Jonah runs the loofah over his chest, going in circles over his pecs.

" Cutie," Corbyn breathes, barely audible over the roar of the shower.

Jonah looks up, his eyes feel big and they must be innocent, because Corbyn kisses between them.

" Easy to tell you've never been with a man before," he muses in elaboration.

" Not about that," he denies and Corbyn hums," I've never been with you before."

Corbyn lays his forehead on Jonah's and he's small like she was, but not as small.

There's no long hair to hide his eyes, no thick lashes.

I've only ever been with her. And she wasn't you.

One of those is only partially true.

The other is truer than any thought he's ever had.


Jonah had never heard his smoke alarm before, but it screams even while Corbyn fans at it.

He stares down at the dark, nearly unrecognizable lasagna in front of him.

" Guess that's not happening, huh?" Corbyn's by his side as usual. It's quiet.

He looks at the younger boy.

She could cook.

They'd make things from scratch side by side with the music singing in the background.

Instead of drowning onions, there's charred cheese.

Instead of catchy pop there's wailing screams.

And when Corbyn turns his head to meet his gaze, a sweet tilt to it, Jonah finds he wouldn't have it any other way.

" So... pizza?"

Instead of a full belly, he has a full heart.

" Pizza," he nods.


" It's okay now," Jonah says, not looking to his side.

" What?" Corbyn wonders quietly and Jonah can feel those piercing blue eyes of his.

" It's okay now," he repeats uselessly," are you gonna leave me?"

Jonah barely understands it, but he knows Corbyn will.

A soft, skilled hand slips into his own and Jonah finally looks down at him.

" That isn't what I said."

He cups his cheek and pulls until their foreheads meet.

" You said you'd see me through it," he has to shut his eyes against a sudden wave of warm tears, he licks his lips. His voice cracks when he speaks again," I'm through it now."

" Why does that mean I have to leave?" Corbyn kisses him," do you still want me?"

" Always," and it hurts to say. He grapples from Corbyn's waist, for him.

" Then forever and a day," he promises," I'll only leave when that's up. Can you handle that?"

Jonah laughs, squeezing him," yeah," he whispers and it trembles," yeah."

He holds him for a moment longer, before Corbyn guides him out the door by that same hand.

Jonah flicks the switch and the lights go out on her apartment.

Not their's. Never their's.

And together, they make their way to Corbyn's.

With his rock by his side, powerful and unwavering, Jonah makes his way home.


" How long do you think we'll be friends, Corby?"

" Forever!"

" That isn't long enough. How about that and a day?"

" Ooo, yeah! It's a promise!"

" I promise!"



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