The Pack And It's Pups (Part Four): Why Don't We- Fluff

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This series was supposed to be over, but then I got an amazing ending suggestion from VildeHK that I just had to write
Summary: They all know the time is nearing, they all know he has to leave soon. And maybe that's why all, but Corbyn cling to him a little tighter, but what happens when Jack's village has decided they've waited long enough? What happens when their search for the little boy leads them to a tranquil cave in middle of the forest?

Corbyn's POV
Jonah sat calmly beside Jack. A sentinel for the little one as he scrubbed his face clean in the pool nestled against a wall of our cave.

I could hear the quiet patter of snow melting at the mouth of our home, feel the tepid winds drifting inside. All signs pointing to Spring, who grew ever closer with each passing day.

And yet, none of them explained why the hell he was still here.

He should've been gone months ago, things were supposed to have gone back to normal months ago.

Glare any harder and he'll burst into flames, Zach snapped fiercely as Daniel groomed his shedding fur. Helping make way for his summer coat.

I tucked my ears with a quiet whimper, staring morosely down at my paws, shifting them.

Zach, Daniel warned in a tone only a scolding parent could muster.

I'm not doing anything, Papa! He's the one being a dick!

He fucking hated me!

Two years.

I had spent two years raising him as my own and it only took an eighth of that for one little boy to tear us apart.

Silently and with a hanging head, I rose to my paws and slipped out of our den. I didn't even glance up at Daniel's affectionate coo of my name.

To the left of the entrance I sat in a patch barren of snow. Watching my pad run over the tufts of yellow, recently exposed grass. Wishing the whistle of lonely birds or the splatter of snow-drops could dull this ache in my heart.

But it didn't, not at all.

Nothing should ever be allowed to hurt this much.

A twig snapped and my ears perked up, tilting toward the sharp noise while my nose twitched for a scent.

I went completely still as my breathing slowed, every muscle in me tightened and ready to spring into action when I met the eyes of a human through the bushes.

I barked twice, loud and deep in my chest. It was as much a warning to him as it was to my pack.

Jonah and Daniel filled my senses in a second, growling beside me with bared fangs.

" What's happening, Coco?" Jack whispered from somewhere behind me and an ugly, burning anger flared in my belly. One so powerful that I nearly rounded on them to rip open his fucking throat.

It hadn't been enough for him.

Making me walk in the back hadn't been enough. Taking away my son- my pack- making it so that they could barely stand me, hadn't been enough.

Now he had brought humans- outsiders- into our home. Our safe haven.

He was putting my family, my entire world, in danger.

" I don't see him, Chief," another whispered.

" No. He's here," the one I had never taken my eyes off of- the chief apparently- stood up. He walked ahead until he was in plain view and drew back the string of a bow," I know he is. Where is he?!"

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