9.5》Zorbyn- Fluff

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This a part two of the 3rd day of No Smiles November called Zach In The Bathroom, inspired by the song Michael In The Bathroom, where Zach has a breakdown in a bathroom (shocking, I know) at a party that Corbyn dragged him to, before abandoning him, and realizes that what they have can't work anymore
Summary: Corbyn has to make it up to him. He has to

Corbyn's POV
" Why are you still sulking, Corbs? It's been like... a month now," Derek huffed, arms dangling from the side of Justin's bed.

" Leave him alone, Derek," Eben calls from the desk, popping another M&M into mouth while he twists slowly on the swivel chair.

" I just don't get it!" Flopping onto his back go throw his arms into the air.

" That's because you wouldn't know love if it kicked you in your ugly head, dumbass," Justin snaps from where he leans against the headboard.

" I know about love," he scoffs back.

" You sleep with anything that looks your way. That isn't love," Daniel joins me on the beanbag and gently pushes a can of soda into my hand.

I look down at the Sprite, before my eyes find his again.

He gives me a warm smile and a little bob of his head and I crack the can open.

" Maybe Corbyn's just being a bitch about it," he mutters, no doubt pouting like a scolded toddler.

" I will kick you out of my house," Justin growls while settling the shorter with a hard glare.

" Just think about it!" He begs, holding his hands out in front of him," if he really wanted Zach that bad he wouldn't be sitting here crying about it! Clearly he isn't worth-"

" Derek," I finally chime in and it's while glowering at him until it hurts," if you call him worthless I will break your fucking nose," I seethe lowly. Clenching my fists so tight Daniel has to pry the can away before I spill the lime soda everywhere.

" I wasn't gonna call him worthless," he promises, taking on a kinder tone now that he's actually speaking to me," I just don't get how he can mean that much to you when you aren't fighting for him."

" Bean, he kinda has a point," Eben agrees reluctantly. Daniel nodding solemnly at my side.

" I... I-I," I sniff, blinking suddenly wet eyes," I-I don't know how to fight for him," rubbing hard at my libs and hiding against the heels of my hands," I thought we were okay."

" Did he say why he was upset?" Justin tries and I hear Derek make an unhappy noise.

" He said I'd changed. That I wasn't the same person he knew," I draw my hands back to pull my knees close instead, sitting my chin on the them," and I mean... I-I guess I have, but I still made time for him, you know? It isn't like I just... j-just fell of the face of the planet."

More tears pooled along my eyeslids and I shut them," I just don't know what to do and he won't talk to me."

" Did you ever think that... that... never mind," Daniel shakes his head so hard his body moves with it.

I peek over at him," think what?" The room goes silent and my heart hurts," think what, guys?"

" That maybe he just... maybe," Eben stumbles.

" He might not want you anymore, Corbyn," Derek finished bluntly and Just kicks him so hard I can hear it," what the hell was that for?!"

" Have a fucking heart, dude!"

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