16》Alone Together (Part Two): Zorbyn- Fluff

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This is my fourth and last post of the day. The first three were really just to get the music reviews wrapped up so I wouldn't have to worry about them and try to squeeze them in here. As you can now doubt tell from the number, this is a countdown. Specifically a count down to the last day of December. However, this not for A Corbyn Christmas. As I stated last year, that is over. This instead is the countdown to this book's finale. I've waited to post these remaining 16 shots because I always like the idea of ending things with the year and starting fresh on the 1st of January. Anyway, that is all. Enjoy the story!
Summary: Zach never imagined it would leave him. That something that seemed so attached to everything he was would just... vanish one day

Zach's POV
The pads of his fingers are ghosting over the seam that sperated my tail from my chest, thumbing at the scales there with a fascinated little smile on his face.

My eyes fluttered, warmth flooding my belly as I choked silently on every helpless little noise trying to escape my throat.

He went lower, tracing one of the golden swirls that erupted from my fin and I nearly lost it, desperately burying my face into his shoulder, tensing against an incoming spasm.

" What are...", pausing to swallow past a sour lump in my throat," what are you doing?"

We didn't do this, merpeople didn't do this. We didn't touch each others' tails like this, not unless...

I ended that line of thought quickly, not allowing myself to travel down a road that would lead nowhere.

" I've just never seen anything like it," he whispers, lost to the wonder behind his touch. My fin quivered with ecstasy when he began kneading at my muscles," it's so strong."

" C-C-Corbyn," I whined, fisting at his shirt," can... ca-can you move for... for a s-sec? I wanna ge-get some water."

He pulled back to tilt his head at me, blinking," water?"

I nodded until my head hurt, feeling dizzy from it all. I slid my tail from his lap, hopping to the edge of my lake," water."

I pushed and pushed until my face brushed against the fine sand lining the bottom of the ocean. Sinking my fingers into it and shutting my eyes, breathing deep and just taking in the sounds around me.

I could hear the skitter of a wandering crab, feel her little legs when she rushed over my hand.

I could hear the unique click of a dolphin pod, the splashing of their eager babies.

Even the otherworldly warp of floating jellyfish helped calm the race to my heart.

The ache in my belly was more stubborn though. The hormones begging me to go back to him, to let him finish what he had never meant to start.

Corbyn didn't know. That was all, end of story. There was no way for him to understand what stroking me like that would mean.

For him to know how impossibly good it felt. Or to know that had he just gone a little higher with those smooth, perfect fingers. Or if he had kissed me down there, dragged his tongue along-

Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck!

Stop it! Stop that! The man wouldn't even let me compliment him, there was no way in all of Posiden's great blue ocean that he would-

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