Better Than Words: Darbah

569 14 0

Daniel: 16
Jonah: 16
Corbyn: 15
Jack: 15
Zach: 13
Summary: Corbyn gathers the three boys in the hopes of explaining the weird things they make him feel

Corbyn's POV
I found myself checking their text again and again, hoping to calm the itch at the back of my neck while the boys got settled around me.

Your father and I have gone out for the day with Zach. We will be back at around 9:30. Be good
8:37 am

I could feel the warmth Jack radiated up against my back. The older leaning over my shoulder to peek, nosy as always.

I showed him the screen properly. His head knocking against mine as he tilted it to get a better look. Humming when he was content with his snooping.

The touch, regardless of intention, sent a hot flush to my cheeks, painting them red.

" So, what did you wanna talk about, Corbyn?"

I glanced over at the sound of Jonah's voice, watching for a second or two with an amused tilt to my lips as he spun my solar system model.

" Oh, right," I tugged at my sleeves, looking down at my lap," well... I... I just...", the trail of my words was helpless.

How was I supposed to start a conversation like this?

" Hey fellas, I seem to be kinda, sorta madly in love with all three of you at the same time, crazy right?"

I huffed to myself with a pout, glaring at my own hands.

" Oh no," Daniel mused, dread lacing his words," I know that look. Corb's about to drop a bombshell on us. Your parents didn't have another kid did they?"

Jack laughed hard at that and I did too. Smiling at the fond memories of finally gushing over my little Zach when we had been in Kindergarten.

" No, I don't have another sibling," I giggled, smiling a little at the thought of Zach. Distantly wishing he were here. He had always had a way of calming me down.

" It's something different this time," I added eventually, voice softer than before.

" Oh God! Your parents had twins? Triplets?" Jack gasped, flopping back into my pillows with a grin stretched across his face.

Daniel and Jonah laughed with him while I only rolled my eyes. Face still warm from before.

" No. There are no more babies," I leaned back against my headboard, trying to ignore the feeling of his leg pressed to mine. Something I had experienced time and time again, so why now?

Why did it just start feeling like this? Like my whole body was on fire?

" I just don't really know how to say it."

How do you tell someone you love them?

" That's okay," Jonah comforted from beisde me. Pushing off my desk to roll over to me," if you don't know the word, then describe the feeling."

" O-okay," I relented, encouraged by that soft smile he wore," I guess I could try."

I let my eyes close, heaving out a sigh as I delved into the darkest, deepest, most secret recesses of my mind. The part that held all of the things Mom always said were wrong.

And I tried to understand it. Tried to make sense of the complex, murky pool that made up my feeling toward them.

My feelings around them.

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