Day 7| Lights (Part Two): Jarbyn- Fluff

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Someone asked for a part two, but in that same comment they said they would have to wait until next year for it. I wouldn't wanna wait an entire year for a second part. So, I suppose my only question to you, TapeOfDeppression, is why not this year?
Summary: As promised, Jack and Corbyn put up lights the next year

Jack's POV
I hauled the last of the lights from the garage, dropping them on the frost covered grass below.

Corbyn had been adamant about doing the lights a week into December, claiming the roof was less likely to be icy and us less likely to fall.

" Did you get the ladder, babe?" I called, looking over the assortment of decorations we had bought throughout the year.

" Yeah!" He shouted from inside the house," I'll be there in a second!"

I leaned down to grab the box of lights, spinning it in my hands before opening it.

" Here," Corbyn panted softly," where should I put it?" His eyes trailing along the roof.

" You're supposed to be the smart one, remember? Wherever you think is best," I chuckled, smiling up at him.

Corbyn blushed a little, grinning at me with a happy nod.

I watched him affectionately for a moment or two before returning to my task.

I heard the ladder hit the wall with a clang before he bounced over, taking my face in his hands and pressing a long, sweet kiss to my mouth.

I blinked, completely caught off-guard.

" Thank you for this," he whispered, pressing his forehead to mine," I mean it."

Worth it, my brain decided the very moment he flashed a soft, joyful smile my way.

No matter what happens, it was all worth it.

" Anything to make you happy," I promised, kissing him again," and I mean that."

He giggled, hands sliding to grab my own and squeeze tight.

" How about we get started then? I don't wanna be out here all night," I whispered, still so close to him.

" Course not. I have another way I wanna thank anyway. Let's finish as quick as we can," he cooed, eyes glinting with something that sent a wave of heat through me.

Corbyn couldn't talk like that, he just couldn't.

I, reluctantly, let him go, taking the tangled ball of lights we had had for over three years now and making my way to the ladder.

" Oh," he gasped suddenly," there's one more thing I wanna get. I'll be right back!" He called over his shoulder, jogging into our house.

I rolled my eyes fondly, sparing a glance to the garage with a grin, before continuing my way up.

I sighed down at the ball, beginning to turn and tug at the strings, slowly undoing the complex series of knots.

I tried to pull a strand free, only for it to get caught on something. I tugged again, harder this time, not at all aware of the lights that had coiled their way around my leg. The leg that was keeping the strand from moving.

The rough pull knocked my foot from beneath me, the other scrambling to replace it, only to slip on the frost that blanketed the tiles of our roof.

A dread washed over me as I felt myself falling, landing hard on the bushes lining the wall of our house. The entire descent lasting only a few seconds.

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