Day 8| The Pack And Its Pups (Part Two): Dorbah- Fluff

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Summary: Corbyn and Zach play in the snow

Daniel's POV
I was pressed to Jonah's side, surrounded by my Alpha's scent and warmth while Corbyn and Zach played together.

The little pup yapping happily as he bounced after Corbyn, nearly disappearing into the thick snow.

Corbyn's pale tail wagging quickly, his entire lower half shaking with it, running circles around the poor thing.

He let Zach catch him after a while, rolling onto his back with the brown wolf on his belly. Zach lunging to catch his ears, tugging at them with soft, squeaky growls.

Corbyn huffed, pawing at the younger while wiggling, drawing shapes across the snow.

Zach barked, pressing his chest to the snow, short tail flicking back and forth.

Corbyn stayed on his back, looking at the smaller. Zach barked again.

Chase me! He begged, Dad, chase me!

I huffed softly, amused, affectionately watching the two wrestle.

Corbyn popped up suddenly causing Zach to leap back and out of his way before springing forward.

Corbyn dodged around him then took off through some dead bushes. Our son followed.

Dad! Wait up!

I glanced up to the calmly watching Jonah, nudging him with my muzzle.

His steel-blue drifted to me and I lifted my rump in the air with a childish yip of my own.

Let's race!

What are we!? Pups again? He rumbled back, clearly amused.

I looked to where those two had been, the imprints of their play writing out the story of their fun together.

I looked back at my mate, feeling the steady, heavy thump of my heart. My tail soon falling into rhythm.

I guess so! I barked before taking off after them, bounding through the crisp snow.

I heard Jonah's approaching steps long before his shout of my name.



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