Day 4| Back Home: Jorbyn- Fluff

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Summary: Jonah heads home for Christmas for the first time in years, only to come face to face with the reason it had been so long

Jonah's POV
" Yeah, Mom. I'm pulling up now, don't worry," turning into our driveway, looking out to my childhood home.

Some part of me had always been grateful they hadn't sold it when we went to L.A. all those years ago.

I opened my door and stepped out into the thick snow, breathing in the crisp air of Minnesota in the winter.

I looked up, smiling at the falling crystals of ice, nose already beginning to go a little numb from the chill.

I buried my hands into my pockets with another sigh, no longer ignoring the longing for home that had always consumed me around this time of year.

I walked up to the door, ringing the bell with a racing heart, thrumming excitedly at the thought of seeing the inside once more.

I heard a shout of 'I got it' followed by shuffling and more talking, then my Dad opened the door with a grin on his face.

" Jonah!" He pulled me in, patting my back and squeezing at me.

" Hi, Dad," I greeted, pressing my face into his shoulder, taking in the familiar scent of his cologne.

" It's good to see you again, son," pulling back to get a good look at me. The wrinkles near his eyes deepening with his smile," well, let's get you out of the cold, huh? Your sisters can't wait to see you."

With his arm draped over my shoulder he led me into the house, calling out for the girls.

" Jo!" Svea screamed, launching herself at me.

I grunted, keeping her close," you're gonna kill me one of these days," I mumbled, nuzzling into her silky hair.

She only giggled, pulling away and kissing my cheek," I know."

" Alright, alright. Let me have a turn, will ya?" Esther teased, prying us apart to take the younger's place," there's a special surprise for you in the kitchen."

I didn't like the glint in her eyes," is it a good surprise?" Studying her closely.

" If I told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise," she tapped my nose with a shit-eating grin, looking so fucking pleased with herself.

I didn't trust it, not at all.

So, with caution, I approached the kitchen, peeking my head around the corner and freezing dead at what I saw.

Standing beside my Mom, in a baby blue apron with flour on his cheeks, was the very reason I had always been so afraid of coming home.

He turned to me, smile even more radiant than I remembered.

" Jonah?" He gasped, jaw hanging a bit before every single feature on his handsome face lit up like the Christmas tree in our livingroom," holy shit is that really you?!"

He rushed to my side, looking me over with frantic, big eyes," sorry for swearing, Mrs. Marais, but I-"

" Corbyn, what have I told you about that? It's been to long for you to still call me that," my Mom laughed, eyes fond as she watched the brunette damn-near shake with excitement.

" Damn sorry," he shook his head, giggling," sorry. I just... I can't believe it's really you."

Then he was hugging me, tight.

His body was so warm and soft and strong and he smelled so good.

With shaking hands I held him back, slowly melting into his embrace.

" Corbyn," I whispered.

He looked up at me, eyes glistening with his tears, bitting down on his lip," you remember me?"

And just like that, it felt like I was back in middle school. Back to watching him ramble on and on about the newest phenomenon we had discussed in science class or blushing so hard it hurt when he had asked me to the 8th grade dance.

I was falling in love with him all over again, letting him pull me in like he always had ever since we were kids.

I couldn't do this, not again.

" I-I... I need to get m-my stuff from my car," gently pushing him back and he nodded happily, still beaming up at me.

" Do you need any help?"

" No! No, it's not that much. Just gonna grab it then hop in the shower," pulling my hands away from him to hide in my pockets.

Corbyn didn't seem to even notice the sudden redness to my face or my stuttering or the speed at which I talked.

He was still just smiling.

He had always been so pretty when he was happy.

" Okay," he chirped," but after we have to catch up."

" Yeah, yeah, sure," I left as quick as I could, climbing into the front seat of my rental.

I gripped at the steering wheel, pressing my forehead against it.

No, no, no. This can't be happening, not again.


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