⚠️ Jealous Zander ⚠️

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Requested by: @Dramionefanking12

Nobody's POV

Zander was annoyed. Very annoyed. Luke had just told him that he got confessed to by 3 other girls the previous week and didn't tell him. They said they would tell each other everything, and he still kept this secret from him.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Zander asked demandingly, he didn't want to admit it, but he was extremely jealous. Luke knew this, and didn't take him seriously because of it, "Aww, you're jealous? How cute!" To which Zander told him to shut up.

He turned away from Luke and ran. His heart dropped as he began to chase his purple haired lover to the boys bathroom.

Zander's POV

I ran away from Luke with tears in my eyes, he got confessed to by 3 different girls and didn't even bother to tell me! I'm his boyfriend, I should be the first to know!

I eventually made it to the boys bathroom and started crying in the corner, beside the row of sinks. I didn't want Luke to see me like this, especially after what he had said to me. Nevertheless, he came in with a pale face and his butterscotch eyes blinking down at me. "I'm sorry." He confessed sympathetically as I smiled softly.

He sat down and put his arm around my  shoulders as a pink tint entered my cheeks. I started to feel very bad, I suppose I do get jealous very easily. I didn't want to end up like my parents, they got divorced when I was young.

"It's alright, I forgive you"

Words: 263
Ty for requesting!

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