❓ Forgotten ❓

928 22 46

Requested by: EmiPotato100
(Takes place after Luke and Zander go to college)

Nobody's POV

Zander peacefully drove down the highway. He was going home for Christmas! Since the highway was nearly empty, the road in front of the violet haired boy wasn't exactly the first thing on his mind.

Everything in front of him was sort of a blur. It was just him and the road. The maroon sky painted a picture of him and his childhood friend, Luke, enjoying life, not needing to worry about being apart.

Boy, was life different back then.

Suddenly, a roaring engine was heard in the distance, zooming down the road. Zander slowly turned his head to face the car. It was a gorgeous baby blue mini,

And it was coming straight toward him!

Zander's heart stopped as he desperately tried to stop the car, but it was too late.

They collided.

Zander's ears rang as the other driver jumped out of his car and right beside the pale skinned boy. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He repeated. Zander couldn't reply. He was unable to. He only mumbled in pain before blacking out.

Luckily, he survived. But his memory didn't survive with him...

-Two Years Later-

Luke's POV

I tiredly walked on the empty street, the bright sun beating down on my tan skin. My lips were quite dry, so I decided to get something to drink. I stopped by at a local coffee shop. Looking in the window, I could see a familiar figure. One with purple, curly hair and nearly white skin. I looked closer.


My eyes widened as I kept them on the violet haired boy.

I decided to go and see him.

My legs shook slightly as I opened the cafe door, a quiet bell rang as I did so. A waitress calmly walked over to me and brung me to my seat. "Someone will come and take your order soon." She explained. I nodded slowly. "Alright!"

I sat bored at the table, constantly glancing over at Zander. Eventually, we made eye contact. I internally panicked as he walked over to me.

"Can I help you?" He asked. "I-I." I stuttered. I took a deep breath, clearing my mind. "Listen," I told him, "Zander, it's me, Luke." Zander's eyes widened. I smiled, thinking he knew who I was.

"H-how do you know my name?!" He exclaimed.

My heart dropped.

"Do you not remember me? I'm your childhood best friend! You don't know me?" My eyes darted around the room as Zander and I were being stared at by customers and staff.

"Do you think your funny? You think this is some joke, don't you? You're making a mockery out of me in front of the customers!" He shouted loudly. I teared up. "N-no, I'm sorry." I said.

"Well, do you want anything?" He questioned, still slightly tense. "Hazelnut Latte please." I requested. He nodded. "Alright."

Once he left, I ran away to the bathroom and broke down in tears. He was the one thing that made me complete, now without him, I feel like nothing.

And I never got to tell him how I feel...

531 words!
Ty for requesting!

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