⛸ On Thin Ice ⛸

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This idea is by 21stWeebQueen !

Nobody's POV

"Luke! You know I can't ice skate!" Zander whined as Luke pulled him through the crowd of people. "If you don't want to do it, then why did you agree to come?" He asked, giggling slightly. 'Because I want to spend time with you..' Zander thought.

The pair made it to the counter. The person working there had shining emerald eyes.

"Hi," Luke started, "can we have some ice skates please?" The young man looked between the two. "Of course!" He said, scampering to the back rooms and pulling out a pair of lovely silver ice skates and a pair of beautiful periwinkle ice skates.

"Here you guys go!" He exclaimed, handing the ice skates to both of the boys." They thanked him and sat on a bench to put them on.

Once they had, Luke helped Zander up and they finally stepped foot on the ice. It was extremely slippery, at least to the violet haired boy. He was stunned to the spot. Luke laughed at his reaction. "C'mon," he said, "I'll teach you."

So here the boys were. Luke had a tight grip on Zander's pale hand. He was gliding him around the ice, Zander clasping tighter and tighter on Luke's hands. "Zander?" The auburn haired boy asked, blush covering his soft cheeks and the tip of his nose. Zander's heart skipped a beat looking at him. "Shh~" Zander whispered, "I like it when we're like this.." Luke smiled and blushed even more.

Luke then took Zander's waist gently as the purple eyed boy put his hands on his golden eyed lover's shoulder. They began dancing. It was a beautiful sight. The couples around them stared in awe.

Luke hummed quietly, which made Zander giggle. "I love this." Zander told the auburn haired boy. Luke's eyes sparkled every time they blinked down at the pale skinned boy. It was almost like the sunshine was staring right down at him.

"I love you.." Luke said, pressing his forehead against Zander's.

Zander looked into Luke's dreamy golden eyes and returned his statement.

"I love you too..."

353 words!

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