♥️ I Love You ♥️

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Requested by: cmaksoud-ccs
*Lander confession scene, but I wrote it ;-;

Nobody's POV

Luke and Zander sat in the music room in silence, occasionally glancing at each other. The rest of the club left for classes, but they had a free period. After Luke's song, Zander was quite quiet, which slightly worried Luke.

'What is he didn't like it?'
'Does he know I like him?'
'What if he thinks it's stupid?'

Luke's thoughts were interrupted by Zander's voice.

"So, who did you write that for?" He asked. Luke's heart stopped. "No one!" He exclaimed out of fear. "Oh," the purple haired boy said, looking disappointed. "Alright.."

"You alright, Zander?" He asked, slightly calming down. "Yeah, it's just," the ombré haired boy paused, "I don't know, I need to tell you something."

Luke tensed up, "O-oh, yeah?" "I love you." The purple eyed boy finally said, letting out a shaky sigh.

"Yeah, I love you too." Luke said, trying to be as calm as ever, not knowing if he meant it in a friend way.

"No I'm serious, I love you," Zander said, blushing, "like, I wanna kiss you right now."

Luke froze, trying to contemplate what is crush had just said. "Luke I-" the ombré haired boy quickly said, trying to make Luke forget about what he just said, but miserably failing. Why? He was interrupted, by Luke kissing him.

The kiss lasted for around 10 seconds, Zander wrapping his arms around Luke's neck. The auburn haired boy put his left hand on Zander's waist his his right hand on his shoulder. They eventually broke apart.

"Luke..." Zander said. He was interrupted again by a shorter kiss from Luke. "Zander, I love you."


"I love you too."

288 words!
Ty for requesting!

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