🌼 Dandelions 🌼

780 19 13

Fluff / Angst


Idea by: Tappy!


TW: Mentions of divorce


"Are you serious? I thought you loved me!" A galaxy-haired women shouted, her voice cracking as clear tears dripped down her pale cheeks. The man grunted and rubbed the bridge of his spotty nose.

"I told you, just sign the papers." He muttered, not making eye contact with the periwinkle-eyed woman. He gently lifted up a small pile of paper that laid on their long sofa and chucked them onto the wooden table, which stood between them.

"Why...?" She whispered, taking the pile and glancing over them. "Look, I promise, we can do this! We just need to-"

"Just do it! I've had enough of your whining!"

At this point, the pair had tears flooding their faces as the purple-eyed woman scurried to the kitchen counter and grabbed a blue pen whilst muttering things like, "He's not serious, right? He can't be.."

"Mom? Dad? Why are you crying?" A high-pitched voice asked. The two people turned around to see their pale son standing, carrying a tube of sunscreen.

"O-oh," His mother stuttered, quickly wiping away her tears, "Nothing sweetheart. Where are you going?" She asked, cautiously glancing at the older man before back at the young boy.

"Well, I was thinking of going to the dandelion field, y'know, the one where you showed me how to make flower crowns yesterday?" Zander explained. His mother forced a chuckle and swiftly wiped away a couple more tears with her shaky hand, not wanting her son to realise her misery.

"Alright darling. Put your shoes on and I will be there in just a second." She smiled as the 9-year-old began to jog away to find his trainers.

"Audrey-" The man began once his son had left the room.

"We'll talk about this once Zander and I come back." The orchid-haired woman snapped. The 30-year-old man took a couple steps back, astonished. His eyes followed Audrey slowly as she left the room to find her son.

"Zander, honey! Are you ready? Let's go!"


"Lovely, isn't it?" Audrey muttered as the sky faded from Lapis to amber with magenta clouds hovering in it. Her and her son were currently lying down on a patch on slightly damp grass, surrounded by dandelions while watching the breathtaking sunset from above them. "Yeah," Zander simply replied, "But what was going on between you and dad?" He asked. His mother froze.

"Sweetie, you don't need to worry about us. We're just... hitting a rough patch right now." The wisteria-haired woman said, hesitating slightly. Zander decided not to push the subject.

"Dearie me!" Audrey exclaimed suddenly, causing Zander to flinch. "Would you look at the time!" She showed her son her white, leather watch, which read 7:35pm. "We should be heading home soon."

"Please mom! Just ten more minutes!" Zander pleaded.

"Honey, I need to get up early for work in the morning.." Audrey tiredly said, rubbing her eyes. "I mean, I suppose you could stay for a bit longer if you would like, our house is only five minutes away." She suggested. Zander's eyes lit up.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. His mother chuckled and two minutes later, the periwinkle-eyed boy was left alone in the dandelion field.

So there he was, picking fragile dandelions off of the grass and weaving them together whilst humming 'Ode to Joy' to himself.

"Hello?" A faint voice said from behind him. The plum-haired boy quickly turned around to see another boy, around the same age as him. He had fluffy, ginger hair and shiny, honey-coloured eyes. He also had a small, brown mole on the side of his left eye. Zander's cheeks began glowing a faint pink as the boy began to walk towards him.

"Who... who are you?" The pale boy asked, the tanner boy sitting, cross-legged beside him.

"Luke." The boy replied, smiling brightly. "What are you doing?" He asked, tilting his head slightly, making Zander even pinker.

"M-making a dandelion chain." The mauve-haired boy stuttered, showing Luke his creation. The golden-eyed boy giggled.

"Looks fun! I don't suppose you could teach me how to do it, eh?" He questioned, making Zander grin softly. "Of course." He answered.

After that, the two boys instantly became friends and swore to stay by each other forever. They met up in that same dandelion field everyday, so much so that it felt like routine to them.

However, this friendship changed one simple day...

Five years later

"...and then she found it in her pocket!" Zander giggled, Luke softly chuckling beside him. "Lucky her..." The auburn-haired boy muttered, glancing up at the baby blue sky above him. Zander turned his head to him, a concerned look splattered across his face.

"Luke.. are you okay?" He asked, his voice hushed into a whisper. Luke, who seemed to be almost daydreaming, snapped out of his thoughts. "O-oh, yeah, I'm fine!" He laughed. Zander seemed more worried than ever at his answer.

"Luke.." He muttered. The gold-eyed boy's smiled dropped instantly.

"Sorry, I'm just..." The tanner boy mumbled, Zander moving closer to him, as the two were both sitting on the very patch they sat in when they first met. The violet-haired boy's action caused both of the boys to blush.

"It's just that... screw it." He muttered, Zander jumping at his statement.

"I've just been.. I don't know, seeing you different lately. I don't know how to describe it... I get.. nervous around you, not in a bad way, it's just... I don't know.." He confessed, his friend biting his lip at his words.

"Heh, I'm glad I'm not the only one.." He mumbled. Luke raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well," Zander began, "every time I look at you, I feel a sort of sickness, my stomach hurts and I feel my cheeks heating up. I've never felt like that with anybody else before.." Zander said, his eyes avoiding Luke's.

"Zander.." The chestnut-haired boy hushed, cupping the pale boy's face. The periwinkle-eyed boy turned red but didn't leave Luke's embrace, he, in fact, cupped the boy's face as well.

As the teenagers' faces slowly moved closer to each other's, they closed their eyes softly, eventually closing the gap between them.

The kiss was short yet passionate. The world around them seemed to freeze during the exciting moment. The auburn-haired boy softly rubbed Zander's cheek as the purple-eyed boy placed his finger and his thumb on Luke's chin. When the kiss ended, both boys could barely make eye contact with each other.

"Zander.." Luke smiled. "I.. I think I know what I felt." The mauve-haired boy chuckled. "What?" He questioned.

"It was.." He started.

"It was love."


I'm sorry about the ending being kind of rushed TwT. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the oneshot!

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