Lander Confession but in Written Form

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Zander's feet hit the stone pavement as the purple-haired boy ran down the walkway, past the trees and autumn leaves gracefully gliding to the ground and into piles of other leaves of all shapes, sizes and colours. Right behind him was his childhood best friend, Luke, who chased the periwinkle-eyed boy after being kissed by Stacy, one of his classmates.


"Luke, the truth is... I've liked you for a really long time now," the blue-haired girl confessed after kissing him, "I don't know if you've ever seen me that way, but I think you can come to like me!"

Luke stood, frozen, unable to reply to her. "Stacy, I-" he turned behind him, only to see Zander, the boy he had been in love with for around a decade, staring at the pair. Luke tensed up.

"Wait! Zander!" He yelled before Stacy held onto his hand tightly. "Luke," she wailed, "I haven't heard your reply!"


Zander stopped suddenly, catching his breath, something which caught on-lookers attention as passers by began to stare at him, Zander didn't care, however, as he was preoccupied by his own thoughts and feelings. This allowed Luke to catch up to him.

"Heh, you're fast." He muttered, attempting to clear the tension. This didn't work, however, as Zander began shouting.

"Why are you running after me? Weren't you just about to accept that girl's feelings?" He exclaimed, waterfalls of tears running down his pale cheeks.. "You should go back to her," Zander continued, "don't let me get in your way!" Luke's expression softened. "Zander..." he muttered.

'Why isn't he leaving?' Zander thought to himself, 'I can't stand this. It's too painful.' Those were his last thoughts before lashing out on Luke again.

"Just leave already-"

"I don't like that girl, Zander, I like you!"

That's when time seemed to stop, for only a second or two, as the purple-haired boy tried to comprehend the words he had just heard. The tears, which originally couldn't stop flowing down his cheeks, seemed to dry up almost instantly.

Zander simply couldn't form the words he wanted to say so badly to Luke. In the end, only a simple "What?" escaped his lips.

"Zander, I'm in love with you! I have been for a really long time. That song Hailey sang for me, I wrote that about you!" Luke cried, pouring his heart and soul into the words he stated. However, Zander still held back in telling Luke his true feelings.

"I-I thought you only saw me as a childhood friend!" He exclaimed as small tears started to build up in Luke's sunshine-like eyes.

"You've always been more than that. I've wanted to tell you for so long! But recently, it seems all I do is make you feel uncomfortable. I could never find the right time or the right way to tell you," Luke exclaimed , "and, I'm probably making you uncomfortable now!" Those last words were the breaking point for Zander.

After all these years, Luke still stuck with him, even through all the times he pushed him away, Luke was still there, by his side. That was something Zander could never repay him for.

But Zander was done with hiding his feelings. He was ready to tell Luke how he truly felt.

"You're wrong!" He cried, "you've never made me feel uncomfortable! When you would get close, I was scared because I didn't want you to notice how I really felt about you! So I... pushed you away. I just wanted to protect our friendship!" Once again, small water droplets formed beside his galaxy-coloured eyes, "I... didn't want to lose you." Luke smiled, comforted by Zander's response.

"Zander," he said, "you'll never lose me."

The auburn-haired boy took a few steps towards the pale boy before he began to talk again.

"I'm not like Stacy, y'know," he warned, "I'm uptight, and I'll probably call you names a lot..." Luke chuckled before responding to his purple-haired crush.

"I know-" "I'm stubborn, a little selfish at times, and I get jealous easily."

"Zander..." The auburn-haired boy muttered. Zander glanced up and began to blush. He was too busy talking to realise that Luke's face was right in front of his. Without thinking, the pale teen put his hands on the back of Luke's neck as the ginger-haired boy pulled him in closer. Zander was about to ask him a question, but Luke beat him to it.

"Can I?"


If I messed up part the the dialogue, please let me know! I wrote this in a book at at 11pm and I couldn't remember some parts lmao-

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