💭 Bad Dreams 💭

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Requested by: Just_Pottassium

Nobody's POV

Zander woke up with a faint gasp and small tears in his light, amethyst eyes. His heart was beating faster than normal and he was slightly sweaty. The purple haired boy slowly turned around to see Luke sleeping soundly with some drool coming out of his mouth, staining his white pillow. Zander smiled and attempted to wake him up, even though he didn't want to disturb him.

"Hey," he whispered softly, still sniffling, "wake up." By now, he started weeping into his shoulder. Luke instantly woke up.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He spoke softly, it gave Zander a sign of comfort. "I-I" Zander couldn't take it anymore and started crying harder into the auburn haired boy's shoulder. Luke wrapped his arms around him.

"Shhh.." Luke whispered, closing his eyes slowly. Zander looked up and softly kissed him on the cheek. Luke blushed and grinned.

"So, are you alright? Why are you sad?" He said , suddenly returned to his concerned state. "I," Zander started, "had.. a nightmare." Luke quickly hugged him and raked his hair.

"Zander.." Luke murmured. "I know." The galaxy eyed boy replied. "What was it about?" Zander sighed....

Zander woke up in a dark room in a puddle of water. He looked around, all he could see for miles was the colour black.

The violet haired boy slowly rose up and continued searching for some sort of light, but he couldn't find anything. Eventually, he gave up and flopped back into the small puddle of water, crying and screaming for help.

Suddenly, he heard a voice, a familiar voice.


"Luke!?" He screeched, wanting to be saved from the lifeless abyss. Luke cackled in return.

"You're an idiot, y'know that?" The golden eyed boy announced after calming down. "You thought I loved you?" He laughed once more. "Idiotic, I say." Zander's eyes filled up with tears.

The pale boy suddenly bursted out crying, smacking his hand into the water in shame. He started to roll around in the puddle. It soaked his clothes and his teeth chattered loudly.

Zander suddenly heard a loud bang, which constantly rang in his cold ears. He felt his eyes being forced shut.

"... and then I woke up." Zander finished. "Poor you." Luke comforted, softly rubbing the purple haired boy's cheek. "I promise I'll protect you for the rest of my life."


"Yeah, I promise.."

400 words!
Ty for the request!

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