🎮 Game Night 🎮

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Nobody's POV

Zander sat on the foot of his bed, debating whether to text Luke or not. He kept typing and retyping messages, unsatisfied with all of his attempts.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring, surprisingly Luke was calling him. The purple haired boy immediately picked up the phone.

"Hey Luke!" Zander exclaimed.

"Hey, wanna come over tonight? We can play games!" The auburn haired boy said, getting more excited by every short word. Zander blushed at his enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I'd love that!" He said without thinking. He immediately regretted what he had said, thinking it was too straight forward. Luke giggled.

"Heh, alright. See you there!" "Bye luk-" Zander had been cut off by Luke hanging up the phone.

Luke's POV

I lay bored in my bed, fiddling with my phone every now and again. I then started pulling a few loose threads off of my scarf, trying to entertain myself. It didn't work.

I got up off my bed and reached out for my remote to watch some TV. By the time I had finished, I hadn't realised how much time had went by, Zander was coming over in ten minutes!

I quickly got up and put some more 'presentable clothes' and rushed back to check my phone. I was wearing a grey tracksuit with a coral t-shirt underneath.

Eventually, I heard a knock at the door. I practically jumped off my bed and sprinted to answer it.

Zander's POV

I shivered outside of Luke's door, waiting for him to answer. I had actually been quite stupid, wearing a pastel purple t-shirt and dark denim shorts on such a cold day. Abruptly, Luke answered the door.

"Oh, hey Zander!" He said, he suddenly looked at me with a concerned look on his face. "Zander! You look so cold! Why did you wear shorts and a t-shirt in this weather?" He said, frantically taking off his jacket and putting it over me. I smiled at him while I walked in.

Luke's mother greeted me in the living room. "Hello sweetheart," she said, "how are you?" I chuckled. "I'm fine." I simply replied. Luke took my hand and we went upstairs to his room.

Hours later, I found myself not being able to look away from his television screen, nearly glued to the games. Eventually however, we decided to stop. We cuddled in his bed and had pointless conversations about anything in particular.

Luke's POV

Zander eventually fell asleep on me while we were talking. It's adorable, I just wish that his chin wasn't on my shoulder so tight, it really hurts. I decided just to let him be, he must be so tired.

My jacket somehow caught my eye. I looked back at the violet haired boy and smiled. He says he doesn't look good in grey, but he looks so adorable in it!

I then felt my eyelids get heavy. I slowly closed them and cuddled up to Zander closer. I gently kissed him on the cheek before starting to drift off to sleep.

"Goodnight my prince..."

512 words!
Okay, so I've got a few announcements!

First of all, sorry for not uploading as much as I normally do, I've had a tiny bit of writers block recently.

Secondly, to everyone who has requested something, don't worry! I've started on them all!

Third of all, drumroll please!


This is the lamest drumroll ever lmao-


I'm continuing Earthquake!

If you guys don't know what Earthquake is, it's a TMF story by Strxwberry_Sugxr (go check them out if you haven't already, they're stories are 👌) anyway, I'll be starting it in about a week or so, so look out for that!

Don't forget you're awesome! Toodles!

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