💵 Billionaire 💵

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Inspired by 'The Prince's Choice'
Billionaire Luke AU

TW: Homophobia

Nobody's POV

Luke sat in the living room reading 'To Kill a Mockingbird' as Zander was in the kitchen getting some apple juice for Luke to drink.

Zander's POV

I put Luke's drink on a tray and took it to him. When I got to the living room, I found Luke and he seemed to be lost in his book.

"Hey babe." I quietly said, walking in with his tray and setting it to the side. "Zander," he scolded, "don't say it so loudly. My parents'll hear us!" Indeed he was right.

Luke and I have been dating for 3 months, but his parents don't know, they can't know. They think he likes Stacy.

Nobody's POV

Luke folded his book and wrapped his arms around Zander, the violet haired boy being trapped in the buttercup eyed boy's warm embrace. Zander blushed slightly but covered it up with his hands, earning a giggle from his auburn haired boyfriend.

"So," Luke finally broke the silence, "how are you?" Zander cleared his throat, "I'm fine, how abo-" he was interrupted by Luke's mother bursting into the room. The boys instantly let go of each other, terrified of what the golden eyed boy's mother would think if she, or her husband, found them like that, and looked up at her concerned face.

"Mother," Luke said formally, "what's the matter?" "What's the matter?" She replied, "What's the matter?!" She repeated, this time more venom in her voice. "Mrs Peterson?" The violet haired boy asked, standing up and walking over to her. She pushed him to the ground.

"You," she screeched at Zander, "you poisoned him! You poisoned my boy!" The colour drained out of Luke and Zander's faces. "W-what?" Zander stuttered, slightly laughing with fear. Luke's mother looked down at him menacingly, "You heard me," She whispered, "I know what you are," Luke quivered in his chair, unable to move, "you're a freak." Zander suddenly grew more confident.

"A freak?!" He laughed, "a freak?!" He suddenly stopped laughing and a look of pure frustration appeared on his face. He quickly stood up and looked at Luke's mother, eye to eye. The purple eyed boy grabbed the golden eyed woman and threw her to the floor, just like she had done to him many moments ago.

Luke suddenly got up and wrapped his arms around Zander, calming him down.

"What about Stacy?!" Luke's mum hadn't stopped arguing yet, "I thought you liked her, I thought you were in love with her." She emphasised on those last words. Luke looked slightly guilty, he had lied to his parents about something so important, and now he's paying the price for it. The auburn haired boy looked up at his mother once again.

"I lied." Those two short words sent her insane.

"You little-" she stood up and took a moment to catch her breath. "You did poison him!" She screamed at Zander once again. She looked at her son with hurt in her eyes, "my poor boy," she cupped his cheeks, "what has he done to you, Luke?" Luke pushed her away.

"I'm not your boy!" He protested. Zander looked at him in awe and smiled. "Not anymore!" He continued, wrapping his arms around the violet haired boy.

"How do you even know anyway?!" Zander demanded, him and Luke wanted an explanation.

"The cameras, silly!" She laughed, but it wasn't an innocent laugh, it was a laugh of someone who knew they were going to jail and wanted to enjoy every last moment of freedom. She turned back to her disgusted face and whispered,

"You're out, both of you."

Soon enough, the boys had packed their bags and left, unable to escape the paparazzi who surrounded them constantly. "Go away, all of you!" Luke said, finally having enough and wanting a place where he could talk to his boyfriend privately. The camera men and women instantly walked out of the way and the two boys continued their walk in the crowded city.

Luke put his hood up and gave an extra one to Zander, to protect their identities from the people who passed them.

Zander looked up at Luke and sighed. His smile had turned into an emotionless frown and the sparkle in his eye had disappeared.

"Hey," he said, finally breaking the awkward silence, "we could go to my house, it's not far from here!" Luke looked at him and thought for a while. He eventually kissed the violet haired boy and said, "alright." The boys began to make their way to Zander's house, still hiding their identities from passers by.

When they got there, Zander wrapped on the door exactly five times. The boys looked at each other in worry. Luke brought their foreheads together and whispered;

"We're in this together, you're safe with me."

808 words!

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