🥣 Breakfast in Bed 🥣

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Nobody's POV

Zander yawned loudly. There were purply grey bags under his periwinkle eyes and his cheeks were tinted baby pink. He lay completely still, only reaching over to his wooden beside cabinet to grab some tissues after the occasional sneeze.

The purple haired male had a very bad cold. He shivered in his and Luke's bed uncontrollably.

Suddenly, there was a quiet knock at the bedroom door. The colour of it was identical to Daisy's light blue eyes.

"Go away! I'm tired!" Zander shouted, his voice muffled from digging his head in one of the soft pillows. "Sweetie, please let me come in!" A voice from the other side of the door begged. Zander's head shot up.

"Luke? Is that you?" Zander asked. "Who else would it be?" The auburn haired male chuckled. "C-come in." Luke's purple haired husband weakly said.

Luke came in with a amethyst coloured tray. On it was eggs, bacon, pancakes and a cup of tea.

"Luuuke!" Zander whined and turned red. Luke laughed softly. "Good morning, sweetheart." He placed the tray on Zander's lap as the pale man sat up, rubbing his periwinkle baggy eyes.

Luke climbed on the blue bed and cuddled up to Zander, who was nearly half asleep on the ginger haired male's shoulder. "Sweetie," he started, "are you tired?" "Slightly, I'll be alright though." Zander mumbled. He caressed Zander's pink cheek lovingly before helping him sit up again.

"Thank you, darling." Zander muttered before taking a small sip of his tea. The younger male suddenly looked up at his husband.

"Lukey, you're going to catch my cold if you come any closer." He groaned. "It's fine," Luke hummed, "I don't mind." Zander rolled his eyes and continued eating his breakfast.

The brunette rested his head on his husband's lavender curls and closed his eyes.

"You're really warm, honey." Luke smiled, feeling Zander's hot skin against his. Zander chuckled, his fingers intertwining with the auburn haired man's.

"I love you Luke."


"I love you too, Zander."

336 words!

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