🌺 Red Roses 🌺

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Requested by: EmiPotato100
(Hanahaki Disease AU)

Nobody's POV

Zander walked into the empty music room. Him, Luke and Hailey always met there 15 minutes early to get some extra practice in before the others arrived, but today, he was the only one there. Abruptly, he got a text from Hailey. It read:

"I'll be late for extra practice today. Ms Jones asked me to give some notes to the detention teacher."

Zander sighed and put his phone away, he wondered why Luke hadn't come yet. He decided to check the bathroom.

Luke's POV

Jake and I were sprinting to the bathroom. I had recently caught the Hanahaki disease, I guess I held on to my feelings for too long. Jake tried opening the door while I wiped some blood off my cheek.

He grabbed my shirt, pushed me inside and tightly closed the door. I hung my head over the sink and instantly started throwing up blood and flowers. It normally was just a tiny bit of blood with a few petals, but today, it was worse than ever.

Zander's POV

I quietly walked to the bathroom to check on Luke. I won't lie, I was pretty concerned about him. He, most of the time, was the first to enter the club room and the times he didn't come first, it was a very serious issue.

I finally made it to the WC, slightly opened the door and peeked inside. My jaw dropped in horror. Luke was standing over one of the sinks coughing up blood and flowers with Jake patting his back, comforting him. Luke had caught the Hanahaki. He loved someone else.

Looking at the pair, I figured he was probably in love with Jake, he had recently been hanging out with him a lot more. Luke is going to die over that moron. I can't believe this.

Jake's POV

I was comforting Luke after he finished coughing. "It's ok, I'm sure they feel the same." I said supportingly. Luke smiled. I looked up at the door too see Zander peeping through a crack in it. I was terrified. "Luke," I said trying to act fine but he saw me shaking. "W-what happened?" he still looked a little shaken up. I pointed at the door.

Luke's POV

Jake pointed at the door. I gasped and started looking around the bathroom, trying to find a place to hide, but Zander came in before I could run. "Hey," he said, he looked a little disappointed. "Oh hi." The colour drained out of my face.

(AN: Jake Luke Zander)

"It's fine if you love him you know-"
"Wait what?"
"Yeah what? He doesn't like me."
I cut him off.. by kissing him.

I was scared, my life was on the line. Wait. He kissed me back, he kissed me back! We eventually broke apart, panting. I was free of the Hanahaki Disease.

Words: 488
Ty for the request!

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