📆 Weeks Without Words 📆

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Requested by: Moondragonice
(Includes OCs)
AU where Lilac was childhood friends with Luke and Zander instead of Jake


Nobody's POV

Haha! You can't catch me!" Lilac said, running around the playground with two younger boys chasing after her. They were soon tired out and sat on the swings, making small talk every now and again.

"Will we be friends forever?" Lilac asked, looking down at her feet. "Of course," Luke answered in his usual happy tone. "We'll be friends forever! We'll never be apart!"

Oh, how she wishes it would, for once, be that way...

End of flashback

Lilac's POV

Luke and Zander walked to school, with me walking around a foot behind them, staring up at them every now and again. They were supposedly my best friends, but ever since they got together, I just felt like an add on.

Luke put his arm slowly around Zander, probably flirting with him. The galaxy eyed boy giggled and blushed. Zander put his hand on his auburn haired boyfriend's shoulder and kissed him quickly yet passionately, with Luke kissing back.

I wasn't feeling jealous, no, I was just feeling abandoned. They looked so happy, and me? I've not talked to them in weeks, maybe even a month. Do they even care about me anymore?

I don't know...

Zander's POV

I was getting books out of my locker with hundreds of other students passing me by as I did so. Luke abruptly put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "When did you get here?!" I asked, trying to cover up my red face. Luke chuckled.

My golden eyed lover started talking to me about.. well, I don't know. I wasn't really paying much attention. Lilac passed us by, looking sad. "What's up with Lilac?" I asked. "Lilac? Oh! I don't know." He replied, going straight back to flirting with me. I giggled and tried to cover my face with my hand, but I couldn't get the aqua haired girl out of my mind, is she ok?

Luke put his hand on my chin, I had enough with trying to act fine. "We should go and check on Lilac." I said suddenly. "Zander-" I took his hand and we went to the music room.

Nobody's POV

Zander and Luke abruptly bursted into the music room, heads turning all over. "And you tell me to knock-" "Where is Lilac?" Zander said extremely sternly. "We don't know," Jake replied, "she hasn't come in, but-" "But what?!" The purple eyed boy said, getting very impatient. "But she feels like you and Luke have been ignoring her ever since you guys started dating.."

"That's it," Zander said, taking Luke's hand. The galaxy eyed boy looked his boyfriend dead in the eyes. "We're going to talk to her." Then they went to go and look for Lilac.

Lilac's POV

I speed walked to the bathroom. I didn't want to talk to Zander and Luke right now, not like we've talked in weeks anyway. I suddenly saw the two boys running up to me, slightly sweating. I tried running faster, but Zander's speed overwhelmed me and I slowed down.

"Lilac!" He said, panting. "Are you okay?" He grabbed onto my hand, but I quickly forced it away. "Now you care? After these long weeks you finally want to talk to me?" "I'm sorry.." Luke said putting his hand on Zander's shoulder. "Ever since you two have been dating, you've been ignoring me, and I've had enough!" I screamed running away, tears in my eyes.

The boys began to chase me again, this time keeping up with me a lot easier. I didn't bother to check behind me this time. I abruptly felt two arms wrap around me, giving me a hug. I finally turned around to see Zander giving me a hug. "W-what?" I said, calming down.

"I'm sorry!" He cried, Luke catching up to the two of us. "We should've payed more attention to you!" The auburn haired boy exclaimed, also hugging me. I stood and looked at them in silence before accepting the hug. It lasted a while, but we had barely talked in weeks!

Finally, I feel happy again, after so long...

701 words!
Ty for the request!

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