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Nobody's POV

Zander stood behind a tree, shaking and rubbing his arm. It was the first day of his new school! Exciting, right? Well, not for Zander, he was extremely lonely.

"Hi!" Zander suddenly heard a voice from in front of him, he looked up to see and auburn haired boy standing in front of him with beautiful golden eyes that resembled sunflowers. He had slightly tanner skin than Zander and a small mole next to his left eye.

"I'm Luke!" He said in an energetic way, "what's your name?" "Z-Zander." Replied the timid boy. "Hi Zander! Let's be friends!" The auburn haired boy took the purple haired boy's hand. "Oh, ok.." he said, it sounded more like a question.

The two boys ran across the playground. Zander was actually starting to have fun! He felt a certain way around Luke, he always felt like he could rely on him.

The boys sat on a grass field, next to a couple trees. A cool breeze hit their faces. Zander suddenly looked at his new friend, he was weaving dandelions together.

"What are you doing?" He asked, interested. "I'm making a flower crown!" "That's nice.." the ombré haired boy smiled. The golden eyed boy giggled and put the flower crown on Zander's head.

"For you, new friend!" He exclaimed, Zander blushed. "Z-Zander, it's Zander." He said, trying to cover his blushing face. "Oh, sorry Zander!" Luke chuckled.


"Can you tell another one, papa?" Delilah asked, absolutely fascinated. "Not now, Delilah, you have to go to bed, it's the start of your new school tomorrow!" The girl sighed. "I don't want to go-" "What do you mean?" Her father interrupted. "I'm going to be so lonely!" She exclaimed.

"You won't, I promise you!" He said, hugging his daughter. "You'll find friends in no time! You might even meet your special one!" Zander said, smiling. "I guess, thanks papa!" She said, hugging her father.

"Goodnight, Delilah."

"Goodnight papa!"

327 words!

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