🎨 Secret Talent 🎨

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Nobody's POV

Luke sat on his bed, humming a tune. His eyes wondered around the room, eventually landing on an empty canvas. This bothered Luke, he never liked bland things. The auburn haired boy argued with himself if he should paint it or not. He slowly got off the bed and stumbled towards the canvas, only realising then how tired he was.

Luke grumbled and continued his way to the canvas. Once he got there, he unwrapped the plastic wrap on it and stumbled over to a small cupboard and opened it. He took out a cup, a couple paint brushes and a few paints. When he did that, he suddenly felt energetic! He ran back to the canvas and started painting to his heart's content.

The next day

Luke walked to school with a large case. It was a black leather with his entitles on it; L.P.

No matter how long Zander would bother him with questions about what was in it, he kept his mouth shut.

"Luke! You're starting to scare me now," Luke rolled his eyes at the comment, "tell me what's in the case!" The golden eyed boy finally had enough. "I'll tell you at music practice."

At practice

Zander practically sprinted to the music room, nearly tripping over his feet several times as he did so. When he finally made it there, he sat at Sean's desk and waited with great anticipation for Luke to arrive.

When he finally did, the purple eyed boy ran towards him, grabbing him by shoulders and pushing their foreheads together. "So? What is it?" Zander said, his voice filling with wonder. Luke let out a short chuckle. "I'll show you." He said, grabbing it.

Zander knelt on the floor, along with Luke who was also kneeling in the floor with the briefcase in his hands. The auburn haired boy opened the case with a satisfying 'click'.

He handed the briefcase to Zander at once and watched in anticipation as he lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful painting.

There was a light grey, what seemed to be, mountain with a white at the top. The sky was a gorgeous mix of purples and blues, mixed together. The white mountain top had some navy at the top. The shading was beautiful.

Zander looked back up at Luke, a small grin on his face. "I didn't know you could paint." He admitted, blushing slightly while looking back at the painting. "Neither did I." Luke confessed, chuckling. "It's beautiful, you're very good at painting." The violet haired boy said while he wrapped his arms around his auburn haired boyfriend. "Thanks.." he said, blushing.

"I promise I'll keep it forever." Zander said a while later, breaking a long silence. Luke said nothing, he just simply smiled down at him and cupped his cheek. He kissed him softly and their hands intertwined.

"I bet you're amazing at painting too."

497 words!

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