🏚 Abandoned 🏚

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Requested by: @guigamex15

Nobody's POV

Luke, Zander and the rest of the music club were walking back from the competition, late at night. Milly and Jake were slightly ahead than the rest of them.

Milly's POV

Me and Jake were walking ahead from the rest of the club. It was late at night so Jake had his phone light on. We eventually made it to a very run down house.

The house had boarded up windows, moldy walls, a broken door handle and the windows that weren't boarded up were smashed. The perfect place to go exploring!

Jake and I called the others, Luke and Sean going in and us having to push Hailey and Zander in.

Zander's POV

Being forced in a mysterious house which looks quite scary, wow I have GREAT friends. Luke came up to me and whisper led in my ear how this was just like the field trip we had in year 9. He was right only this place was a bit scarier looking, but what happened there was truly terrifying.


Me, Luke and the rest of our year 9 class are going to a haunted house for a field trip. I'm honestly really scared of them, I hope Luke can be my partner. He can protect me!

Once we got there, the teacher started splitting us up, half of the class as 1 group, and the other half as the 2nd. Me and Luke luckily got put in the same group so he could still protect me.

There were some bullies in our group that knew that I liked Luke and they always bullied me for it. One of them was called Drew. "Suppose the little fairies scared of the haunted house, huh?" He laughed at his own joke. It wasn't that funny.

Luke took my hand as we walked away from them into a long, black door, which was very dusty, and opened it. We were greeted by a dimly lit hallway. This place looks dangerous. Why did the teacher think it was ok to let us go here?

There were three doors at the end of the hallway, all saying different things. Not scary at all, scary and very scary. I jumped, there was a tiny bit of blood on each door. Luke wanted to go into 'not scary at all' but I knew it was a trap. We decided to go into 'scary' after a lot of debating.

We walked in and was greeted by tons of webs. Webs mean spiders, right? I was shaking, I don't want to even acknowledge the fact that there were spiders here.

I was crying and tightly hung onto Luke. He hugged me back as we sat on the floor. We were cuddling as he reassuringly kissed my eyelid. I blushed, I'm not used to stuff like that. I hugged him tighter.

——-End of flashback——-

BANG! A massive plank of wood crashed on the floor as I snapped out of my trance. "Come on, we need to get out of here!" Hailey said, rushing all of us out of the haunted house.

Me and Luke were holding hands on the way out. I wish that plank didn't fall, it was such a great memory.

540 words!
Ty for the request

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