🎹 Music Lessons 🎹

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Nobody's POV

Luke and Zander were busy setting up the music room, waiting for the others to arrive. Luke liked spending time with Zander there by themselves, not being bothered by Milly and the others. Usually Sean would clean the music room, but he asked the boys to do it so he could attend one of his more important classes.

Luke was dusting the piano while Zander was wiping the windows. The violet haired boy looked over at his boyfriend and smiled, thinking about how perfect he was. He slowly walked over towards the auburn haired male and put one of his hands on his. They looked at each other and smiled. Since they had been together for a while now, they weren't as red around each other as they used to be. They got used to holding hands, kissing, that sort of thing.

Zander put down his sponge and put both of his hands on Luke's. "Want me to teach you?" The purple eyed boy asked. His lover agreed and they got to work.

(AN: I have no idea how to play piano ;W;)

Zander started to teach Luke Canon in D, well, at least he thought he was. Luke wasn't at all paying attention to what he was saying. He only agreed because he knew Zander would be happy. The golden eyed teenager eventually gave up on pretending to pay attention and cuddled up to his boyfriend.

"H-hey!" Zander shouted, trying to break free of Luke's grip. It didn't work, he was too strong. Luke pecked his forehead while he turned pink. Before long, the two were kissing behind the piano like it wasn't even there.

Suddenly, Hailey, Jake and Milly burst into the room as Zander and Luke quickly let go of each other, flustered. "Aha! I knew it!" Milly shouted as Zander began to chase her. Luke, Jake and Hailey all laughed together. Luke wasn't even really paying attention. He began blushing just thinking about the kiss. Maybe he would have another lesson from Zander one day, one where he actually listens.

347 words!

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