🌪 One Little Fight 🌪

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Requested by: PheebsterYT

Nobody's POV

"What's that?" Zander asked, looking at Luke's phone. "Oh, it's nothing!" Luke replied nervously, turning around his phone so Zander couldn't see. The purple haired boy jerked his head up at his boyfriend and stared at him. "What're you doing?" He asked. "WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" He repeated, this time shouting.

"I-I" Luke didn't know what to say. He wasn't doing anything bad! He was actually getting Zander a present, that's why he turned his phone, so his lover wouldn't see what he was buying, but I guess he took it the wrong way.

Zander looked at Luke disapprovingly, tears starting to fall down his face. "Zander I-" "I don't wanna hear it." The smaller boy whispered, his voice cracking slightly. He walked away.

Poor Luke didn't know what to do. He didn't want to loose Zander, of course he didn't! He was the love of his life after all! After lots of thinking, Luke found no better option than to call Zander's step sister, Hailey. He started to dial her number with his hands shaking.

After a long conversation with her, Luke decided to reveal the present to Zander early. He didn't really want to just yet, but if it saved their relationship, he was willing to do anything.

Luke went down to the kitchen, where Zander was, and sat next to him. Zander tried to walk away, but Luke grabbed him by the arm. "Let go of me." Zander said sternly, but the buttercup eyed boy didn't let go. In fact, he brought him into a hug. Zander tried to let go, but his boyfriend was simply too strong.

"I'm sorry." Luke said. "So you were cheating on me?!" Zander said in an accusing way. "No! I'm sorry for jerking my phone away from you. You deserve to know the truth." The auburn haired boy said, kissing the back of Zander's head softly.

Luke then pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed Zander a picture. It was a picture of a puppy. Luke was going to buy Zander a puppy. One of the things he had wanted the most in his whole life. Tears started to form in Zander's eyes.

Luke looked away in sadness as he felt two small arms wrap around him. "I'm sorry." Zander said between sobs in Luke's chest. The golden eyed teenager hugged him back.

After they let go, the shared a few minutes kissing.

After that, they hugged again, this time on the sofa. "I know it's not the family you expected right away but-" he was interrupted by Zander kissing him again. "No, I love it, thank you."

Just then, Zander sat up. Luke was confused and worried. "Wait.." "What?!" Luke said in a worried tone. Zander looked down at Luke and smirked.

"What're we going to name it?"

475 words!
Ty for requesting!

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