💍 Wedding Ring 💍

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Nobody's POV

Luke and Zander walked hand in hand to a tree... a special tree. Their tree. They were going to have a picnic, but little did Zander know, Luke was going to propose to him! Luke was very nervous about this, so he asked Jake for advice, but he only said things like 'be yourself!' But for Luke, it was very difficult to act normal when he was about to propose to someone.

Once they got to the tree, they set up their blanket, got out some sandwiches and started eating. Luke and Zander made some small talk with Luke getting more nervous and sweaty by the second. Zander noticed this and tried to calm him down, not even knowing what he was worried about in the first place. The buttercup eyed boy eventually turned to his boyfriend and sighed. He prepared a little speech beforehand. Zander asked what he was doing and Luke knelt in front of him and began to preform his speech.

He surprisingly didn't stutter as much as he thought he would, that's only because he hadn't asked Zander the big question yet. Just before he was about to, he looked at the purple haired boy. He looked back at him longingly while blushing. Luke stared into those galaxy eyes one last time before sighing and finishing his speech.

Zander, we've went through hell and back. I love you, and I've been wanting to say this for a really long time:

Luke put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a black, velvet box that had gold corners and held it out to Zander.

Will you marry me?

Zander looked at him with his hands over his mouth. He was crying and blushing at the same time, he didn't know what to feel. He instantly agreed and tackled Luke to the ground, kissing and cuddling him. They looked at each other's teary eyes as Luke pressed their foreheads together.

"I love you too." Zander said, choking with tears.

334 words ;W;

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