🪵 Tree Trunk 🪵

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Angst warning! (I'm sorry T-T)

Nobody's POV

Zander peacefully walked on the Autumn path, the leaves crunching beneath his brown muddy boots. It has been around 2 years since him and the golden eyed boy had spoken. They had a mutual break up after they both left for college. They couldn't stand the thought of having a long distance relationship, they had never spent a day apart since the day they met. So the pair just decided to not keep their relationship going any longer.

Zander regretted doing that more than anything.

Both of the purple eyed male's hands were in his pockets, as they were nearly frozen. Zander slowly took his right pale hand out of his coat pocket and examined it.


"Luke! We can't get married! We're too young!" A young Zander giggled. "Of course we can! See!" His auburn haired best friend exclaimed, slipping a plastic toy ring onto his finger. "Do you not want to be my husband?" Luke asked, fiddling with his fingers slightly scared. A layer of soft blush appeared on Zander's cheeks as he gasped.

"No, no, no! I do want to be your husband. Just not now." He explained. Luke turned his head and smiled. "Okay! Do you still want the ring?" Luke asked his 'husband.' "Yes please!" Zander exclaimed. The two of them bursted out into fits of giggles.

How oblivious they were.


The purple haired man shed a small tear. "I guess we never got married like we wanted. Eh, Lukey?" He muttered, more glossy tears staining his gorgeous periwinkle eyes. Soon enough, his entire face was covered in water droplets. He needed to get back home, I mean, that's what he was here for.

To get a break, to see his family again.

But his family wasn't complete without his beloved by his side.

Then it came. A beautiful outgrown tree. It had two leafy branches sticking out of it and it was around x2 bigger than the pale boy.

Why was it so important? Why it was Luke and Zander's tree.

The tree they confessed to each other under,
The tree they spent most of their days together under,
The tree Luke 'proposed' to Zander under,
The tree that they said goodbye to each other under.


"I don't like goodbyes." Zander cried, tightly holding onto his boyfriends hand. "Me neither, but I hope you know I still love you." Luke smiled, see-through tears taking over his eyes and cheeks. Zander smiled, his genuine smile.


Luke's taxi driver honked the horn. Both boys covered their ears at the sound and turned back to face each other. "Goodbye Zandy." The pair kissed for around 10 seconds before letting go.

"Goodbye Lukey."


That was it. The breaking point. Zander began loudly sobbing in front of the tree. Passers by tried to help him. "What's wrong?" One lady asked. "Are you okay?" Her husband questioned.

"I.." Zander started before looking up at the tree trunk.

L + Z forever!

"No," he choked back tears.

"I'm not alright."

507 words!
Ight, who's planning my funeral? ;-; I hope you guys don't mind more angst! I promise the next oneshot will be a fluff! I also have a new book called Backstage Pass! Thanks for reading!

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