💡 The Light 💡

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Zander's POV


Type: Fluff with slight Angst




Imagine a world with nothing but sadness, nothing but grief, nothing but disappointment. That's basically what my world was like, as long as my mother and father were in the same room.

All I ever heard was shouting, screaming, blaming and arguing. In fact, I was so used to it that, whenever it wasn't in the background, it wouldp feel ever so silent.

As for what they were fighting about, I still, to this day, have no idea what the cause was, but whatever it was, it really took a toll on the both of them.

This went on for years. Years. Eventually, over time the arguments started to stretch out for longer and happened way more often, frightening me slightly more each time.

Then, one day, out of the blue, he just left.

My dad took his things and left.

After he had slammed the door behind him, my mother stormed off to her bedroom, weeping loudly. As she did, I sat on the staircase, my stomach churning like crazy.

A couple months later, after my mom and I calmed down from the situation, we decided that we needed a fresh start, and so, we moved to America.

Of course, moving to a new country meant I had to get used to a lot of new things. New house, new surroundings, but the most significant of all,

A New school.

Truth be told, in my old school, I never had any friends. Not even one. The kids in my old class would ignore me most of the time, but I didn't mind, I like being alone.

Finally, the day arrived for me to start this new school. It was around half an hour away from where my mom and I lived, so straight after breakfast, we got into the car and left, being extra careful we weren't late for the first day.

By the time we arrived, the bell had just rang for the school day to start. My mother quickly kissed my cheek before jogging back into the car and driving away in it, leaving me all by myself.

Surprisingly, I felt scared. Really scared. I thought I would be just fine being by myself, like I was in my old school, but I suddenly felt the urge to go up and talk to people. However, my shy nature stopped me from doing so. That was until...

"Hello? Who are you?"

That was when my life suddenly changed. I had finally found him. The light. The light of my life. He had fluffy, auburn hair and golden orbs, making it nearly impossible to not fall for him, which, over time, I eventually did.

"Z-Zander. You?" I stuttered, averting my gaze.

"Oh, I'm Luke! Wanna be friends?" He asked, the sun reflecting in his eyes. It was impossible to say no to him.


10 years later

I sighed, shuffling himself in his bedsheets.

Recently, I had learned something that I was scared to come to terms with.

I realised I didn't just have a crush on Luke.

I was in love.



Why me of all people?

Why him of all people?

Ugh. I hate these stupid feelings. I wish they would just go away.

You know what? I might as well just confess. It looks like these feelings aren't going away any time soon, so there's not point in keeping it in any longer. If he doesn't reciprocate my feelings, then I'm sure we'll still be friends, but if he does feel the same, luck will be on my side.

Quietly, so I wouldn't wake up my mom, I creeped across my bedroom, grabbing a pen and paper and sneaking back to my bed.

Setting the items down, my eyes flew with determination.

"Let's do this."


Sorry for the end seeming slightly rushed ;W; I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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