🔫 Water Fight 🔫

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Platonic Lander

When Luke and Zander were around 9

"Luke! Hold on!" Zander giggled and ran with his eyes closed as the auburn-haired boy sprayed him with cold water. The pale boy squinted his eyes open to see the blurry silhouette of his best friend, who continued to squirt him with the liquid.

Today, the young boys decided to play in a local grass field with a couple of water guns Luke had gotten for his birthday. The weather was great, the bright sun was peaking behind a few pearly white, fluffy clouds. On top of that, the clear, blue sky hung over all of the people who passed underneath it.

"I'm so close!" Luke shouted, his water pistol aimed at Zander. His hands numb slightly, he pressed down on the plastic trigger again, only to have no water come out. He suddenly stopped running and pulled it again.

"Darn it, I'm out of water. Zander!" Luke yelled after realising he needed another fill. The periwinkle-eyed turned around at the sound of his name. "Yeah?" Zander shouted back. "I'm out!" The auburn-haired boy replied.

The pale boy answered, "I'm coming!"


"It's really warm today." Zander said, fanning his red face. He sat on a wooden bench next to the field as Luke filled up his water gun from a tap behind it. The taller boy chuckled.

"That's true," he said, "but isn't that the whole reason we brought the water guns? To stay cool?" The golden-eyed boy said. Zander tut-tutted quietly, glancing down at his shirt. He was wearing a long-sleeve, button up shirt and black trousers, while Luke wore a grey t-shirt and navy blue shorts.

"Yeah, but I guess that only works when you wear shorts and a t-shirt, and they aren't really my thing." He admitted. "Heh, I know." Luke smiled. "I know."

"Luke, you're a good friend." Zander sighed, grinning sweetly, something which Luke reciprocated. "You too, Zander. I promise I'll never leave you." The golden-eyed boy responded, facing him and holding out his small pinky.

"Pinky promise." He muttered as Zander held up his pinky and locked his with Luke's. There was then a peaceful silence, the two boys in their own thoughts.

After a while, Luke spoke up again.

"Well, the water guns are full up now, wanna continue playing?" The auburn-haired boy asked, offering one of the guns to the other boy. Zander thought for a few moments before responding.

"Yeah, I'd like that."


Another extremely short oneshot TwT - I hope you enjoyed it though!

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