Late *Ravenclaw reader*

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Your POV
Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm late. You may be wondering, y/n what are you late for? Well I'm late for lunch and I've already been "suspicious" as my Friends say, lately. Truth is Hermione and I are dating secretly since we're both girls but I know what your thinking right now, how'd I manage to get the Gryffindor princess to fall for me, ow fuck I just fell down the stairs, anyway beats me how she agreed to go out with me but I'm not complaining, I love that bitch-I mean goddess although in bed she's my bitch but anyways right now I'm running down the corridors to the great hall so i can meet up with as I said before my friends. Now another question you may be asking, why am I late, well I was making out with Hermione and it was hot until I realized-oh fuck I'm late, which leads us-well me to here-running down the corridors of Hogwarts thinking of a petty excuse as to why I'm late, for a Ravenclaw I really am stupid I'm pretty sure I only got in because I can lie on the spot, think of quick responses, and I'm very smart when it comes to non-related school shit. Right now the excuse I have is that I fell asleep and I think it's pretty believable seeing as my clothing and hair is a mess thanks to Hermione and probably the stairs I fell down not too long ago, the only issue is Luna, Luna is a REALLY smart girl so I doubt she'd believe my excuse but I know Cho, Padma, and Terry will believe it so I'm okay with that. Okay here goes nothing. I pushed open the door to the great hall and avoided the eyes of the other tables until I spotted my lovely girlfriend-wait how the fuck did she get here so quick-oh right she probably didn't fall down a bunch of moving stairs, and she also avoids death almost every year so I wouldn't be surprised if she knew multiple shortcuts. I'm honestly confused on how she kept her appearance so perfect while I'm over here looking like-well no hate to my boy-Sid the sloth. FUCK she used a spell, why didn't I think of that-see the whole getting sorted into Ravenclaw thing makes no sense. I looked at Hermione and this girl LAUGHED at me as if my appearance wasn't her fault-Smh. I discreetly stuck my tongue out at her and sat down next to my besties: Luna, Terry, Cho, and Padma.

"Oi! Y/N! Your finally here" Cho Practically yelled earning looks from other tables including a smug look from my girlfriend to which I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I fell asleep" I replied casually, damn Y/n didn't know you could be this good at lying.

"Hm, is that why you look like that" Luna asked bluntly, damn this girl can really lower an ego

"What do you mean, hot as fuck, please I always look this fine" I replied, swishing my hair to the other side of my head and winked at Luna.

"Girl please, you look like you fell down a bunch of steps" Terry sniggered

"That may or may not be true" I whispered, I mean he wasn't wrong, those steps hurt like a bitch.

"Ha, oh my gods, it's always you" Padma teased

"It's not funny!, it hurt" I defended myself, crossing my arms over my chest and giving my best fake pouty face.

"Just like when you 'fell from heaven'" Terry teased

"Exactly!, glad we're on the same page here" I smiled, playfully winking at Terry and Padma

"Soooo y/n how was your nap" Luna asked

"What nap-I mean oh it was good-heh" I replied sheepishly and I awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I bet it was, quick question y/n" Luna announced a little loudly earning more looks than before, I shyly moved my head down

"Did you make out with your bed" Luna asked bluntly-damn this girl really has no shame

"I-uh-what-N-no!" I screeched-shit i had like three different voice cracks

"Are you sure because your lips are swollen, your lipsticks smudged, you have hickeys on neck, and your clothes are loose and messy" Luna pointed out-does she enjoy embarrassing people like what the fuck Luna

"oh,OH! I-I have to walk my fish, I'll uhm be right back" I quickly gathered all my things and sent them all goofy smiles and ran out of the great hall, Amazing lie y/n, I'm actually proud of myself. I was halfway to my dorm when I heard footsteps behind me and I automatically knew who it was-my goddess of a girlfriend.

"Hey love, so how was that nap" Hermione asked as she wrapped her arms around my waist

"Oh it was lovely" I replied sarcastically

"You got a little-" Hermione stated as she pointed to my smudged lipstick

"Yeah I know-wonder how that happened" I replied, rolling my eyes, smiling

"Hm, me too" Hermione replied smiling back as she turned me around and kissed me. We walked into my common room and into my dorm, sneaking kisses whenever we could, the second we got into my dorm I pinned her against a wall.
This is definitely way better than walking my fish.

Raven claw's POV from lunch
Cho: I wonder when she'll realize that we know she's been fucking Granger for the past couple months.
Luna: let's give her a week and then we'll put Veritaserum in her drink.
Terry: I don't know guys the fish thing seemed pretty legit
Padma: how are you in Ravenclaw
Terry: we're in a school of magic, I wouldn't be surprised if you could actually walk fish
A/N: HEYYY so idk what this is so don't ask lmao and if you don't walk your fish are you even a fish owner??
Anyways I have more updates coming either today or tmw.
Hope you enjoyed

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