Bestfriends Girlfriend

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There she was, the girl of my dreams, hand in hand with...Ronald Weasley Aka my best friend. I know it's wrong and VERY problematic to be in In love with your best-friends girlfriend but I've loved her longer than he has but only Harry and Luna know that.

It breaks my heart knowing that he kisses her and I can't, that he holds her hand, and I cant, that he gets to cuddle with her and I can't, that he gets to be with her, and I don't, even just seeing them together hurts but I need to be happy for them because their both my best-friends and I love them-just in different ways.

But back to now, where I'm looking at the love of my life all cuddled up and cozy with my best-friend on the Gryffindor common room couch. Whenever they get all lovey dovey I just leave the room because it hurts to much to see but I now I need to get my homework done and all I hear is their giggles and I hate it.

"I'm going upstairs" I announced a little to loudly

"Why" Harry asked, I simply nodded my head in Ron and Hermione's direction, Harry gave me a sad look and nodded his head.

"Bye Y/n, I'll see you later right" Harry asked

"I don't know Harry, I don't know if I'll be able to spend three hours with that" I say motioning to the two love sick Gryffindors on the couch, Harry gave me another sad look and nodded his head, I passed by the couple on the couch and quickly walked up the stairs to me, Hermione, and Ginny's shared dorm, when I opened the door Ginny was on top of Luna, I immediately yelled and covered my eyes, I ran out of the dorm, and saw Ron and Hermione lip-locking on the couch, it was to much for me to take, i bolted out of the common room with my back pack slung over my shoulder. Fuck where am I supposed to go, Ginny and Luna are fucking in our dorm, my best friend and crush are snogging on my common room couch, the only place left is my spot near the forbidden forest.

As soon as I got to my spot I slumped down and felt tears start to trickle down my face, fuck I hate crying but now I can't stop. Why does she have love him, why do I have so much homework, why do Ginny and Luna have to fuck now, why do Ronald and Hermione have to be together, WHY DO I HAVE TO BE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE WHO ONLY THINKS OF ME AS A FRIEND!.

"Get over yourself y/n" you whispered to yourself.

"Y/n?" I heard an unfamiliar voice call my name

"No" I croaked, shit now their gonna know I'm here

"Y/n, Are you ok?" The voice called out, the voice becoming clearer

"F-fine" I stuttered, pull yourself together y/n

"No your not" the voice became really clear and I could tell by now that it was Harry's voice.

I breathed in sharply, tears still streaming down my face, Harry came into view and immediately laid beside me and put his arm around me, I melted into his touch and laid my head on his chest.

"Y/n I know it hurts, I know how your feeling right now" Harry whispered

"H-how" I breathed out

"Because I feel it everyday when I see Ginny with Luna, the hole that forms in your heart, like your not complete, the unsettling feeling In your stomach and the aching pain in your chest, I feel it all but by now I'm used to it" Harry whispered, I wiped my tears and looked at him, I hugged him tighter and cried. I always had a feeling that Harry liked Ginny, it was just from the way he looked at her, like she was the only girl in the world.

"W-why does it have to hurt so m-much" I sobbed

"I don't know y/n-I would make the pain go away if I could but I can't" Harry cooed

"She's a, she's a lady and I am just a girl" I cried out, Harry held onto me tighter

"She's a, she's a lady and I'm an just a lime without a hook" I continued, silently sobbing into Harry's chest


"Oh Harry I am a wreck when I'm without her but she does not love me, she breaks my heart every time I see her with Ronald Weasley" I cried harder, the ache in my chest becoming to much for me.

"Y/n she doesn't deserve your love, you deserve someone else who will love you just as much as you love them" Harry whispered, I clutched into him as I shook violently, letting out painful sobs that I didn't know was bottled up inside me, I swore I heard shuffling from around me and Harry but it could just be a critter wandering around.

"Wanna steal some ice-cream and butter beer from the kitchen and go to the room of requirements and watch a movie" Harry asked, I could tell he was trying to lift my mood and ice cream does sound very appealing to me right now.

"Y-yes" i replied, Harry picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my tear-stricken face in the crook of his neck.

For the rest of the night me and Harry ate a shit ton of ice cream, watched a bunch of old movies, and drank a lot of butter beer.

It's time to get over the love I have for Hermione Granger because she is my best friends girlfriend and all I'll ever be to her is a friend.

A/N: should I make a part 2??
Hope you enjoyed

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