Manipulation part 2

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Y/n had made it back to her dorm when she realized that her wand was missing. Y/n checked her dorm and the pathway leading to her dorm, she then checked her common room and still couldn't find it. y/n guessed it was in Hermione Grangers dorm, her girlfriend.

Y/n thought it would be ok to just go there unannounced and grab her wand, after all Hermione never seemed to mind. Y/n walked out of her common room and into the dimly lit hallway, Y/n wasn't going to lie, she was pretty excited to Hermione, even though she had seen her earlier she could never get enough of her.

After a brisk walk in the hallways she had made it to Hermione's common room, she said the password and headed up the dorm, on the way up she heard people whispering below her.

"Oh, she's such a good girlfriend, surprising Hermione like that"

"I want an Y/n"

"Awh, they're too cute"

Y/n smiled and felt her ego inflate a bit before she walked into Hermione's dorm to have it completely shattered along with her heart.

Why is Ron here?

Why is Hermione half naked with Ron here?

Why are they snogging?


Y/n's mind had thoughts running a mile a second trying to comprehend this.

Y/n's eyes turned dark, she found her wand on the floor near Hermione's desk and went to grab it.

Once the wand was in Y/n's hand, she casted Windgardium Leviosa on Ron, grabbing both their attentions.

"Hey, yeah it's me, Y/n, your girlfriend or maybe I should start saying ex girlfriend, I think I've got it now, you know, why you used me for my popularity, you only have two friends because no one likes you enough to have more than a two minute conversation with you, you're a headache Hermione, people only talk to you because you get them good grades, after that you're just an annoying know it all, loser. I saw something in you, I thought you actually loved me, guess I was wrong now, but hey it's okay, when you get used by Ron here for your body, don't come crying back, because I'm done with you and your lies. Oh, and, watch out"

Y/n basked in her ex girlfriends confused and scared eyes until she dropped Ron on top of Hermione, their heads bumping.

Y/n's lips formed a scowl as she looked at Hermione one last time, who was holding her head that now had a bruise forming, and walked out, her ego re-inflating.

Y/n marched out of the dorm and into the common room where she found her cousin, Harry Potter, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, off the couch, he fell with a thud and quickly stood up, fixing his spectacles.

"Erm, hey, Y/-" Harry tried to Greet her.

"Shut up and follow me, cousin" Y/n cut him off angrily.

Harry nodded his head and followed suit.

They had finally made it to the room of requirement after a long walk up stairs, after all going up 7 floors is no picnic.

Y/n and Harry walked into the room of requirements and were greeted with a nice comfy couch in the middle of the room.

"Sit down, Harry" Y/n commanded.

"Bossier than Hermione"
Harry thought as he sat down.

"So, uhm, Y/n, why are we here" Harry asked.

Y/n told him everything and shed only one tear, in Y/n's mind there was no point in crying over someone who didn't want you, their loss.

Y/n and Harry came up with a plan and decided to head down to the great hall where Dinner was being served.

Y/n opened the doors with Harry by her side, confidence radiating off of her, she climbed onto the table and began speaking.

"May I have your attention please" Y/n shouted, the students and even the teachers stopped chatting and looked at her curiously.

"How would you guys feel if someone dated you for your popularity?" Y/n asked

"Used" the answer came out un-synchronized.

"How would you feel if you were being used for your popularity and cheated on" Y/n asked

"Betrayed" another answer that was all the same yet un-synchronized.

"That's exactly how I feel, because little miss know it all, used me for my popularity all while cheating on me with Ronald Bilius Weasley" Y/n explained

There were gasps and whispers flooding the great hall, Y/n smiled and continued.

"I have a plan but I need to know who's on my side and who's siding with Granger, so if you're siding with me, raise your hands"

Almost every hand, even some at slytherin, were raised.

"Now if you're siding with Granger, raise your hand"

Only Ron's hand went up, the others who didn't put their hands up, didn't care enough or wasn't paying attention.

"Harry" Hermione said in her usual posh tone except it was laced with a hint of desperation.

"Erm, sorry, Hermione, but Y/n's my cousin and she's been there for me since birth and you hurt her, sorry but I'm on her side" Harry looked down awkwardly, eye contact was never his strong suit.

Y/n smiled and yelled "good" and walked out of the Great hall.

Harry stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do now.

"HARRY" Y/n yelled.

"Coming" Harry yelled back and ran towards Y/n who was waiting for him near the great hall doors.

Hermione watched as Harry and Y/n were smiling and joking around as they left the great hall.
A/N: Heyo, sorry I took a small break, I was studying for my finals and I finally finished them, so it's summer for me now, 😏.

Anyways this idea was given to me by Lanonyme707

Hope you enjoyed


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