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Today is your girlfriend, Hermione's birthday, she's turning 16 and You have something planned
*insert mischievous grin*
Right now your currently walking into the library looking for your goddess of a person when You saw a Maine of brown hair swoosh by.
"Hmm, today's a beautiful day dontcha think, mione" you ask pretending you don't know it's her birthday, your planning on keeping it like this until her surprise at lunch.
"Mmm, yes very nice day indeed" Hermione reply's happily
"Ooooh, what's got you so happy, love" you reply innocently
Her smile immediately falters but you know it'll be back in it's place in an hour
"Oh nothing my parents just sent me my favorite movie saga: high school musical" Hermione reply's with a mixture of happiness and sadness, you knew Hermione loved high school musical she would constantly reference it and gush over Roy Tolten or whatever his name was and she was constantly humming or singing to the theme song that they started getting stuck in your head.
"Ohh are those the movies with Roy Tolten?" You ask genuinely confused
"Troy Bolton" Hermione reply's defensively
"Jeez sorry didn't know your boyfriend meant that much to you" you tease
"Atleast he doesn't forget my birthday, real or not" Hermione whispered
"What was that, love?" You ask but you heard what she said and it no doubt hurt but you reminded yourself that she'll know you didn't forget her birthday by lunch
"oh nothing" Hermione mutters bitterly
"I'm gonna let you study, see you at lunch love" you exclaim quickly, you kiss her on the cheek and then wink at her leaving her confused and angry

You ran around the halls getting your plan ready, you looked around for any muggle-borns or half bloods and asked if they would help you with something, most of them gladly agreed, others had no idea what you were talking about and three flat out ignored you. You managed to convince about 57 muggle-Borns, and 22 half-bloods to go along with your plan to surprise Hermione. Not only would this plan surprise Hermione it would confuse the fuck out of the pure-bloods especially dimwit Malfoy. You sent out a howler days before to Hermione knowing it would arrive with the owls today for your plan and today the owls were dropping off mail so your plan is now in motion.

You were on your way to Lunch you noticed throughout the day Hermione ignored you which kind of hurt but you remembered your surprise that you had for her would be taking place in a matter of minutes.

Hermione was sitting at her table for lunch livid that you forgot her birthday that she thought about breaking up with you for your lack of caring but decided to wait the day out because she knew you were one for jokes. Hermione noticed you sat next to her, trying to grab her hand and hold it but she pushed her hand off yours and saw the pain in your eyes, she smirked
how does it feel
Hermione thought
Just then the post flew in and she noticed a red letter flying towards her, she gulped reprimanding herself for all the bad things she's done in life. Hermione grabbed the letter and that was when Malfoy screamed to the great hall
"Everyone look Perfect little Granger got herself a howler" Malfoy yelled, everyone's attention was on the letter in Hermione's hand, Hermione opened it and confused as to why your voice filled the great hall, she looked over and saw you smirking
Hermione Jean Granger did you really think I would forget your birthday, I think the think not, for the brightest witch of her age you can be really daft sometimes anyways I just had to use this iconic saying so....

Just then loud bangs erupted in the hall by an abundance of kids
"WILDCAT!" The kids yelled and all Hermione could do was smile and laugh
"So you didn't forget?" Hermione asked shyly, embarrassed by the way she's been treating you all day and cursed at herself for even contemplating breaking up with you.
"Of course not lovey, i may have a horrible memory but I could never forget anything you tell me except studying because let's be honest it just goes in one way and out the other" you reply playfully hearing her giggle.
You then take two small packages out of your pocket and give them to her, she opens it and sees a necklace on it that said "my wildcat" Hermione's eyes started to water as you put the necklace on her, your cold hands brushing against her warm soft neck sending shivers down her body in a good way. After you finished putting the necklace on her she pulled you in for a passionate kiss, you pulled away begrudgingly and gave her the second box, she opened it and saw a bunch of her favorite chocolates and a letter at the bottom, she picked up the letter and instantly went red
Meet me in the Room of Requirement tonight at 11 and I'll give you a sweet treat ;)
Hermione looked at you and gave you an excited nod.
Let's just say if it wasn't for the Muffliato charm the whole castle would've known your name that night 😉
Slytherins POV from lunch
Pansy: what the fuck just happened
Vincent: the mud bloods are mocking us
Gregory: what'a a wild cat
Draco: I don't know but my father will hear about this
Hope y'all enjoyed

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now