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Requested by hermionewife_69
Hermione and Ron have been dating for
two years and Hermione thought she loved Ron until she met you.
It was your first day at Hogwarts, and the sorting hat put you in Gryffindor(sorry if your not a Gryffindor, it's for the story). You were walking around the corridors confused, trying to find the Gryffindor common room but to no avail.

As you were walking someone slammed into you, sending you flying backwards, and landing on your arm, you heard a loud crack and cried out in pain.

"OMG!, oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention,are you ok" The person who you now knew to be a girl exclaimed.
"Arm" you breathed out
"Oh my, come on I'll take you to the infirmary, that looks broken" the girl replied guilty.

"O-ok" you replied with tears streaming down your face, you didn't think that breaking your arm would happen like this or feel so painful. The girl helped you up carefully and put your non-broken arm around her shoulder and one arm around your waist, giving you weird butterflies.

"I know you probably don't care seeing as I caused your pain which I'm terribly sorry for but my names Hermione Granger" Hermione exclaimed nervously.
"Y-y/n, y/n y/l/n, and d-dont worry ab-about it, it's j-just an a-arm" you replied shakily due to the excruciating pain in your arm, you smiled trying to ease her guilt and your pain.

Hermione opened the doors to the infirmary and had a nurse called Madam Pomfrey laid you down on a hospital bed where she gave you a potion for the pain, and a mending bones potion to put your arm back in its place.

"The bone should be mended and back in its rightful place by tomorrow morning but you will need to wear a sling for three weeks and then just a cast for two-three months so your bone can heal, do you understand" Pomfrey asked, you shook your head not being able to speak due to the potion Madam Pomfrey gave you that made you really tired and care-free.

When you got your sling on, Hermione was right there beside you, watching with tearful eyes and a guilty face. You put your hand on hers to reassure her that you didn't blame her in the slightest, even though at the time you broke your arm you wanted to punch a bitch in the face but now you had strange feelings for this golden brown curly-haired beauty. When you put your hand on Hermione's, her nerves started to ease and she decided that she'd "take care" of you as an apology.

During the three weeks of your sling being on, you and Hermione got really close, she gave you a tour around Hogwarts so you knew where you were going, she carried your books for you even though you insisted that you could do it yourself she wouldn't allow it, she helped you study for exams, she even did some of your homework while you were asleep but you didn't know that, she introduced you to Harry and you guys immediately hit it off, it was like you guys were brother and sister, When Hermione saw how close you were with Harry, she got jealous and introduced you to her boyfriend Ron who you tried to get used to but he was always making fun of you, or making fun of someone else and he just wasn't your "style" and you were jealous that Hermione was straight and was dating someone but you couldn't do anything about it because she was happy so whenever they did acts of PDA or kissed you just looked away and ignored it or shared looks of disgust with Harry.

After you got your sling off it was time for your cast and Hermione was the first person to sign it, she wrote her name on the front part of your cast where everyone could it see it and put hearts around her name, you didn't know why she did it, but when she was done she kissed your cheek and smiled at you, that one act made you heart and stomach almost explode. Harry signed it after Hermione and gave you a brotherly kiss on your head, whenever he was bored he'd draw a bunch of drawings on your cast. Ron reluctantly signed it and made it so his writing was barely visible, after he was done he walked away, a lot of your other friends and classmates along with some teachers signed your cast but none of there writing was as big as Hermiones.

At first Hermione thought she was just "taking care" of you as an apology, but she felt something with you that she didn't feel with Ron, she loved being around you, she loved looking at you, she loved listening to your voice, she hated when other girls flirted with you or seductively touched your shoulder, neck, back, thigh, and once she saw someone staring at your ass she lost it, she stormed over to the person and started scolding them on manners and respect for woman. After the two and a half months your cast came off and you and Hermione continued to become closer.

Ron would see the way Hermione looks at you and would start fights with Hermione over it, it got to the point where Hermione stormed out of the common room and went to you and hers shared dorm, she walked over to you and slammed her lips on yours, you kissed back even though you knew it was wrong it just felt so right. After the kiss Hermione smiled at you and patted her bed for you to lay down, you and Hermione ended up falling asleep cuddling and Ron walked into the dorms to apologize to Hermione (A/N: I know the stairs have an old charm on them where boys can't walk up them but for this story there is no charm)
Once he saw you guys cuddling he lost it.
End of flashback
You heard the door to your dorm open and ignored it, you were too comfortable in Hermione's arms to care. You heard the door slam shut and felt Hermione immediately jolt up in shock.
"Ron" she whispered
"You stay here I'll be right back" Hermione announced nervously and walked out, you weren't planning on getting up either way because you didn't really care, you jus hoped Ron didn't make Hermione cry because then there was gonna be an issue.
You heard Ron and Hermione fighting from your dorm.
"I see the way you look at her and you don't look at me like that, you like her admit it" Ron yelled
Hermione stayed silent
"That's what I thought, I forbid you to be friends with her!, we're dating not you and her, so it's me or her" Ron yelled
"Ron don't" Hermione replied calmly
"Yes, me or her, your boyfriend of two years or a girl you met four fucking  months ago!" Ron screamed, anger filling his veins.
"I choose Y/N!, Ron I'm sorry but I choose Y/N, she makes me happy, she makes me feel loved, she listens to my rants and doesn't complain about them, she studies with me, she doesn't make fun of random people, she's sweet, and kind, and smart, and beautiful, and brave, and I-I love her" Hermione spat back at Ron.
"No!, you love me!" Ron screamed
"No ronald I don't and I don't think I ever did because I never felt the way I feel about her with you, you feel more like a brother to me, I'm sorry Ron but I choose her and me and you are over" Hermione replied storming up the steps.

Hermione barged into the dorm scaring the daylights out of you, you looked at hermione and ran to her, knocking her over in a bear hug, you heard her beautiful laugh and smiled.

"Hermione, I love you too, and I'm so glad that you broke my arm" you exclaimed on top of her, you lifted your self up and helped hermione up, you grabbed her face.
"You helped me with my broken arm when you really didn't have to, most people would have apologized and walked away, but you-you stayed and for that I love you" You announced pressing your chapped lips to her soft lips, both of you melting into the kiss.

I definitely made the right choice
Hermione thought as she deepened the kiss.
I know this was late but here
It's kinda bad but I tried
Also f in the chat for Ron.
Ok enjoy your day

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now