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1: nothing

She stared

She stared harder

"What are you" she said

"Nothing" she replied

She looked down and then spoke once more

"I love you" she said

"No you don't" she laughed

She stared for a few seconds more before putting down her handheld mirror and walking away.

2: smile

I looked and him and smiled
She looked at me and smiled, what is wrong with her?

He seems confused, does he not realize how badly I've wanted this?
She wont be smiling for long

I smiled, and kept smiling
She kept smiling even as I reloaded my gun and pulled the trigger

3: prison

I walked down the long hallway, small square rooms next to and across from eachother, decorated with metal bars and a door with a lock that could only be opened with a key.

As I walked they called out to me

"You're a loser"

"No one wants you"

"There's something wrong with you"

"Who even are you"

"You're not normal"

She kept walking, and again they called out

"You're tired, just sleep, try not to wake up"

"They don't like you, they're pretending"

"Who needs showers, stay in bed"

"You're not even that hungry, why get up?"

"You realize that no one notices how unhappy you are, shows how much they care"

She kept walking
They kept calling out

"They're gonna hate you"

"Why are you talking, no one's listening"

"You must be invisible, look at how they ignore you"

"They made plans without you, do they not like you or did they forget you"

"They don't love you, you're merely an accessory"

She stopped walking, the guard opened the door to an empty cell and threw her in, she looked at the guard and the guard looked
back and laughed, a cynical, merciless laugh, he held up the key to the cell....and swallowed it infront of her.

She was trapped.

She was never getting out of here.

The guard left, left her to drown in her thoughts

A/n: so I'm thinking of writing a book with a new writing style, the passages above are examples of what will be in the book, obviously I'll still be writing this story, don't worry, just lmk what your thoughts on this are, I'm taking constructive criticism good and bad.

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now