As the world caves in.

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"My feet are aching and your back is pretty tired"

Y/n ran as fast she could, the Snatchers coming close up behind her.

"And we've drunk a couple bottles, babe and set our grief aside"

Y/n stumbled and ran into Ron, sending him flying backwards, even though they weren't exactly on good terms yet, Y/n still being mad he left, she still helped him up, even though she knew this could make her escape harder.

"The papers say it's doomsday"

Y/n remembered listening to the "pod-cast" that was on the small radio in the tent, Voldemort and the death eaters were still on the hunt for Harry Potter.

"The button has been pressed"

Harry had said Voldemort's name, a stupid mistake that very well may cost them they're lives.

"We're gonna nuke each other up, boys"

The snatchers had come almost immediately, causing everyone to flee the tent, going separate ways, trying to out run them.

"Till old Satan stands impressed"

Voldemort only sought vengeance and power, which is why he had his death eaters search everywhere for Harry Potter and his friends.

"And here it is, our final night alive"

Blood pumping through their veins

"And as the earth runs to the ground"

Adrenaline keeping them alive, their heart beating against their rib cages.

"Oh, girl, it's you that I lie with"

Y/n looked at the love of her life, Hermione Granger, and watched as she stunned one of the Snatchers with her wand.

"That's my girl" y/n thought with a smile.

"As the atom bomb locks in"

As if Hermione knew, she made eye contact with Y/n for a second and smiled before running.

"Oh, it's you I watch tv with, As the world, as the world caves in"

Memories came in a flood as Y/n looked at Hermione.
Their first conversation
Their first kiss
Their first I love you
Their first date
Their first argument
The first time they were intimate.

"You put your finest suit on, I paint my fingernails, oh, we're going out in style, babe, and everything's on sale"

Y/n's attire was dirty from living out in the woods helping Harry, Ron, and Hermione, find the horcruxes.

"We creep up on Extinction, I pull your arms right in, I weep and say 'goodnight love' as my organs pack it in"

Y/n's lungs were on fire, her feet ached, her heart was hammering out of her chest, she was tired and didn't know how much longer she could keep running.

"And here it is, our final night alive"

A blue light hit Y/n's back.

"And as the earth runs to the ground"

The force sent her flying into the dirt, she lie there, stunned.

"Oh, girl, it's you that I lie with"

Y/n could only look around, she saw the scared face of Hermione, who stood dead in her tracks, staring worriedly at Y/n.

"As the atom bomb locks in"

The snatcher who hit her began to walk slowly towards her.

"Oh, it's you I watch tv with, as the world, as the world the caves in"

Y/n didn't look at the snatcher, just at Hermione who was also being taken by a snatcher, not willingly though.

She wanted to scream to let her go, but she couldn't. Shock and fear had taken over her senses.

"Oh, it's you that I lie with"

Y/n heard Hermione screaming her name, begging her to get up, but she couldn't, she was stunned.

"As the atom bomb locks in"

The snatcher was hovering over her now, grinning ear to ear, clearly satisfied with his catch.

"It's a good thing only Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, are of importance to him, because that means I get to kill you" The snatcher beamed.

"Yes, it's you I welcome death with"

Y/n breathed in hard, and looked at Hermione who had tears in her eyes, her mouth open in shock.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" The Snatcher yelled

"NO!" Y/n heard Hermione scream.

"As the world, as the world caves in"

She continued to look at Hermione, not daring to look at the green light that her peripheral vision saw, she wanted Hermione to be the last thing she saw.

"As the world caves in"

Brown irises and curly hair invaded her closed eyes, as y/n's world caved in.

A/n: so I've been getting requests to make more song related one shots, so here it is, also thanks for the compliments on my last update, it meant a lot, also can we talk about how good brownies are 😍, like they're so delicious.

Hope you enjoyed

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now