InterviewPT 1

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AU: Alternate Universe
Background: Hermione Granger and Y/n L/n are in a band with two other people and they have to hide their relationship due to their management (cough Larry stylinson cough) 😏

POV: Narrator

Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, and Y/n L/n were on their way to an interview with Rita Skeeter, they were in the van their management had given them to travel to interviews and tours and what not in, laughing and just joking around.

Neville who was their driver, Severus (explained later on) Luna was in the front of the back seats along with Y/n on the right and Ginny and Hermione were in the back back seats of the van

Hermione was joking around with Ginny talking about how Rita asks the most personal and private questions while Y/n was looking back at Hermione and Ginny trying to join in just for a reason to talk to Hermione, she was unbelievably jealous that Ginny was allowed to sit next to Hermione and she wasn't, and she was mad that Hermione looked like she didn't even care.

Y/n didn't feel like joining in on this conversation thought and was just staring at Hermiones hands which were folded together instead of reaching out to touch Y/n's

She wanted to touch them, just to feel them, her hands were cold without Hermiones hands blanketing them like she usually did when they were alone.

Y/n turned her body to face the back of the drivers seat and put her hands in the pocket of her hoodie to bury the temptation of grabbing Hermione's hands and holding them, the thought made her fingers twitch, maybe just a touch..

Y/n thought better against it and looked out the window until they arrived. She wasn't really paying attention when she exited the van and entered the large studio building with large windows bulging out at every look, so when Hermione's pinky wrapped around hers, her heart jumped with joy and she couldn't help but smile. She didn't want to have to do this interview but her band mates and especially Hermione made it worth it.

"Remember I want Hermione on the far right, Luna middle right, Y/n middle left, and Ginny far left" A guy named Severus spoke, he was in charge of the band "Wicked Witches" Cliché name but it brought along media curiosity which brought in money so he couldn't exactly complain, he was in charge of making sure the band gave off a good public image, released songs daily, attracted fans, made merchandise, etc.

Y/n frowned and looked at Hermione who looked back with a look of irritation. "Why?" Hermione asked, trying to hide her annoyance but you could tell it was there and barely hanging by a thread. "You know why" Severus said looking at his phone in a business like manner, Y/n often wondered if he did this just for the image of looking like a business man or if he actually had things to look at, she chose the ladder, let's just say he wasn't no Chris Evans if you caught her drift.

Hermione did know why, Hermione and Y/n had accidentally sprouted many dating rumors due to them being overly affectionate and close, the two were very clearly in love with eachother but they couldn't do anything about it because the management wouldn't allow it due to bad publicity. Whenever Y/n and Hermione we're near eachother they were always looking at eachother, talking to eachother, touching eachother, etc. The management had set many rules including separating the two, no shared dorm room, no seats next to eachother, no rehearsal time together, etc.

Hermione looked down as he said this, as though ashamed, Y/n felt as Hermione's pinky loosely left hers. Y/n stared ahead as they walked, ignoring the sharp stab in her chest and urge to cry, she just wanted to go home.

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now