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You were walking well more like being dragged to umbitches, I mean Professor Umbitches office for "questioning" about any suspicious clubs but you didn't know anything about it because you weren't invited to any.

The only reason you were being questioned was because Malfoy and his Goons saw you walking around the 7th corridor multiple times so you could get into the Room of Requirement a couple minutes earlier. You were only trying to go to the Room of Requirement to help ease your anxiety and calm down because you smelt your classmate and long time crush Hemrione Granger in your Amortentia potion and needed to figure out how to get rid of your feelings because she'd never feel the same way, you would like to say you were bi-curious but you've never had ANY feelings for guys you've only ever found girls attractive and not to mention your Inlove with your classmate who happens to be a girl.

Malfoy and his Goons thought you were apart of the groups of people they saw entering the RoR a couple times a week when in reality you had no idea that a club was taking place, you knew that sometimes the door wouldn't open because it was occupied so you just left thinking nothing about it. Malfoy had his "friends" Crabbe and Goyle grab onto your arms and drag you to umbridges office which wasn't helping your anxiety one bit.

Malfoy knocked on the door and a faint "come in" was heard, so he pushed open the door and practically threw you in the office with a smug smile.

"Caught this one lurking around the 7th floor" Malfoy exclaimed proudly as if he just earned a medal.

"Very well, set her down and they you may go, thank you Malfoy for bringing her to me, I'll make sure she knows the rules" Umbridge in a sickly sweet voice. Malfoy pushed you down Ik a seat and walked out with his goons probably going to look for more "victims" .

"So let's start with a bit of tea shall we?" Umbridge asked sweetly, you hated her she had never given you detention but you heard about what she did in detention, she was a nasty git, always writing pointless rules to make everyone's life harder and trying to fire and ban teachers to be in control it was pathetic and you knew that if you told her about the RoR she'd make a rule about it or worse destroy it and that was the only place that calmed your anxiety and helped you threw panic attacks so you couldn't have that happening, you planned on keeping your mouth shut.

"No thank you ma'am" you said as sweet as you could be.

"Tut tut, I insist you drink it, it is quite the nerve easer" she insisted, you didn't want to be on her bad side so you drank it reluctantly and you felt "loose" you realized she had given you Veritaserum-the truth serum and your eyes went wide with panic.

"Mind if I broadcast this for the school to hear, miss L/N" Umbridge asked with a smug voice

"Yes" the word quickly fell out of your mouth as you realized hiding the truth was going to be harder than you had expected.

"Hm, to bad dear I am afraid I make the rules not you" she replied disgustingly sweet.

You swallowed a limp on your throat as you watched her turn on the speakers and begin talking.

"Hello Hogwarts students and teachers, I would like to ask everyone to stop what their doing and pay attention to this announcement, I have Miss L/N with me who has happily obliged to share some information with me that will be most useful for the sake of this school" she announced.

"I didn't oblige, you tricked me into drinking Veritaserum you pink toad" you spat truthfully before she could turn off the speakers-atleast people knew you weren't giving up information willingly.
Umbridge ignored your statement and started the "interview"

"What is your full name" she asked "kindly"
"Y/n, y/m/n, y/l/n" you replied
"What were you doing on the 7th floor" she asked, you tried to give out little pieces of the truth instead of giving everything, you wanted to fight back the urge to tell her everything.

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now