Rolling in the deep

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A/N: for my Slytherin readers 😏
I AM CONTINUING THIS STORY YALL, I just made some small changes and stuff so if you'd like to re-read it go ahead but mostly it's the same.
"we could've had it all"


Hermione was walking in a dimly lit corridor, it was night time, if she had to guess she'd say around twelve am, she looked around swiftly then passed the corner at the end of the corridor and bumped into a tense figure, she hid her smile.

"bloody hell watch where you're going!" the voice spoke, annoyance practically dripping from her tone.

"it's just me" Hermione replied

"I know, but what if someone was close by, you know what would happen if anyone found out" the girl whispered matter-of-factly.

Hermione did know but thinking of it would just sadden her so she averted the subject.

"I missed you" Hermione spoke softy

The body in-front of her relaxed, and wrapped their arms around Hermione's waist, and spoke.

"I missed you too" she replied, lifting Hermione's chin and placing a soft kiss on her lips, as the shadow from the lantern on the wall shaded them from anyone who might've been looking.


Months Prier.

"Hermione drop it!" Ron whined

"Whatever Ronald, if you were a house elf I know you'd want someone to fight for your freedom" Hermione huffed.

"maybe, maybe not, but I definitely wouldn't want a nutter like you doing it." Ron replied annoyed.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Hermione spoke curtly, she got up from her seat, slid open the compartment door and walked into the hallway of the Hogwarts express, closing it behind her, she needed time to cool off as to avoid another argument with Ron, Hermione couldn't understand how she liked him, he always got on her nerves and said something inconsiderate and rude, but then he found a way to charm her and make her swoon, it annoyed her.

Hermione walked to the bathroom muttering insults towards Ron when she bumped into a tall figure. (I'm basing the height off of me, I'm 5'8)

"inconsiderate arsehol-oof, I'm so sorry" Hermione quickly apologized.

"All good" the voice replied, simply shrugging it off, Hermione looked up and saw someone she didn't recognize, Hermione looked her up and down and noticed the way she tightly pulled down the sleeves of her uncolored robes and cuffed the edges.

"who are you?," Hermione asked and then continued "I haven't seen you around before."

The girl stared at Hermione for a second before answering.

"I'm Y/n L/n, I'm new here" The girl now known as Y/n spoke.

Y/n looked at Hermione deciding to take in her appearance, curly almost wild brown hair, dark brown quizzical eyes, thin, and short in height, well shorter than Y/n.

Hermione stared at Y/n as Y/n stared at her, and then after a few short seconds she cleared her throat.

"you're American" Hermione pointed out

"oh, yeah, I, erm, moved here from America, still getting used to the British slang" Y/n joked, Hermione didn't laugh, she merely nodded.

"you haven't been sorted yet" Hermione pointed out

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