Another day

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ requested by hermionewife_69
Another day.
Another pointless day
You thought as you walked around Hogwarts looking for nothing in particular, maybe just something to make you smile but you doubted that anything could make you smile at this point. You felt selfish, you had a supportive family, amazing friends, and a beautiful girlfriend so why did you feel so empty, the only time you felt complete was with your girlfriend or your friends and you didn't want to bother them to much or seem like a leech.

"I'm fine"
They truly were your favorite words, you say them all the time and everyone seems to believe it. You were staring at the ceiling not looking where you were going when you bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry" you apologized quickly, looking down to see Draco Malfoy with an angry scowl on his face.

"Watch where your going you worthless piece of scum, you can't seem to do anything right, honestly just do everyone a favor and end it, your just wasting space and air" Draco seethed as he pulled himself up and shoved you into a wall as he walked past you. You let the hateful words sink in like always and slowly walked away. You didn't cry, you felt like you shouldn't be crying over something so stupid even if it hurt you, if anyone found out you cried over something Malfoy said they'd surely make fun of you, you thought. Your mind eating away at you per usual, if you ever felt happy for a whole day you knew that the next day would be terrible or that something was wrong.

You walked into the great hall for dinner, you sat by Ron and Harry and heard Lavender and Parvati whispering and pointing at you, you could only make out a few words.

"Fat" "ugly" "dumb"

Suddenly you didn't feel very hungry, you pushed your food aside and smiled at Ron and Harry who looked at you worryingly

"Are you okay y/n?" Harry asked

"Yeah you never skip dinner" Ron added

Ron's comment made you feel fatter than you thought you already were.

"I'm fine" you reassured them, while giving them a plastic smile which they bought and went back to eating and talking. You were in need of cheering up and Hermione always made you feel better.

"Hey uhm where's Mione" you asked

"Starts with an L ends with a..." Ron trailed off, looking deep in thought.

"Y, Ron it ends in y, she's in the library
y/n" Harry replied. Even Ron's foolishness couldn't put a smile on your face. You nodded your head and grabbed tray of food and a goblet of pumpkin juice for Mione, on your way out you slipped and bumped into a seventh year student who did not look happy.

"The fuck is wrong with you, low life piece of shit" the student growled looking at you angrily.

"I uhm I'm so sorry" you whispered, slightly intimidated

"I uhm I'm so sorry, get the fuck out of my sight, bitch" the student mocked you, you quickly nodded and ran out of the great hall hearing laughter, they were probably all laughing at you, you thought, as you were running you noticed you still had the goblet of pumpkin juice and it wasn't spilt-this made you smile slightly at not being a complete fuck up and hoping Hermione would be happy with it.

As you entered the library you spotted your bushy-haired Girlfriend sitting at a table with books everywhere, she looked very distressed.

"Hey love" you whispered softly as you sat down next to her

"What" she replied annoyed

You were taken aback by her harsh tone but brushed it off

"I Ugh brought you this" you smiled shyly and pushed the goblet filled with pumpkin juice towards her

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now