Yule ball

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Today is the day I'll ask her
You thought as you walked down the corridors of Hogwarts in search for a certain bushy-haired girl. You've liked Hermione for years now and decided that today you'd ask her to the ball and tell her how you feel. You didn't know how she felt because she was very hard to read, one minute she's blushing when your hands touch, and the next she's talking about Ron so it's honestly very confusing trying to decipher her feelings without actually asking her because you thought walking up to Hermione and saying "Hey Hermione are you into girls" was a little straightforward and a bit obvious.

You walked into the Library knowing this was Hermione's favorite place and saw her sitting at a table but not alone-Victor Krum the Bulgarian Seeker was talking and laughing with her, you swallowed a lump in your throat and walked out not wanting to ruin their moment.

*time skip to lunch*

You sat down at y/h table and began eating and chatting to your friends. Mid-way through the conversation your long time crush Hermione Granger walked up to a little flustered and asked if she could talk to you, you obviously agreed. Hermione led you to the Gryffindor Common room and walked you up the steps into her dorms.

"What's up Hermione, are you ok?, did anyone hurt or bother you?, was is Malfoy?!,Im go-" you rambled

"No calm down y/n" Hermione assured you as she sat down on her bed, you followed her and sat down next to her.

"So what's up then?" You ask, confusion clouding your mind.

"Do you have a date for the Yule ball" Hermione asked bluntly

"Uh-uhm n-no" you replied slightly embarrassed

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find one" Hermione said a little too happy

"Do you?" You ask, hope glimmering in your eyes
Say no, say no, say no, say n-

"Yes I do actually" she chuckled, you felt your stomach drop and your smile immediately fell but you put it back in its place so she wouldn't notice, you started to sweat and felt your heart beat quicken and you felt yourself becoming anxious

"T-that's great, who is it" you lied giving her a fake toothy smile

"Thank you, and it's a secret so you can't tell ANYONE got it, everyone gets to find out the day of the ball but I'm telling you now ok?" She asked

You nodded your head

"Y/n" she whined impatiently

"Ok I got it" you say quickly, becoming more anxious

"Victor Krum" she exclaimed proudly, you felt your surroundings collide together and you found it hard to breathe, you realized you needed to get out of their before your anxiety attack happens.

"T-that's amazing Hermione, I'm sure your night will go perfectly, b-but I n-need to go now" you breathe out, quickly standing up and becoming dizzy, you walk over to the door careful not to trip.

"Y/n!, wait" she yells, you turn your head to her a little to quick increasing the dizzy feeling in your head.

"Are you ok?" She asks concerned

"Y-yes I'm f-fine Mione'" you reassure her and get ready to walk out

"I'll see you at the ball right" she asks

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now