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No ones POV
Y/n was having a nice dream until she felt the need to pee, she got up and went to the bathroom that her and her wife shared and walked to the toilet and before she could even sit down....


Except it wasn't urine, her water broke.

"Are you fucking kidding me, no pun intended" Y/n grumbled angrily, she ignored the horrible contracting pains in her stomach and focused on her new white night gown that was now drenched in clear liquid.

"Brand fucking new, good to know that I won't be able to have nice things with this kid" Y/n grumbled again to herself.

Y/n and Hermione wanted to do a surprise gender, which means the doctor will tell them what the gender of the baby is once the baby is birthed.

Y/n just stood there, in the bathroom, her eyes shifting between the wet floor and her ruined nightgown.

"Love?" Hermione called out

Y/n didn't answer, trying to grasp the situation she was in.

"Lovey?" Hermione called

"My fucking night gown"

Soft patter of foot steps could be heard from outside the bathroom door

"Y/n are you in the bathroom?" Hermione asked

"And my floor, I'll have to clean that fucking mess too" y/n grumbled

"Y/n what are you say-you know what, I'm coming in"Hermione declared before leaving and returning again.

"Alohomora" Hermione whispered before she opened the door and gasped

"Oh my goodness, Y/n are you ok" Hermione asked

"I know Hermione it was a shock for me  but too but I'm like 99 percent sure we still have the receipt" Y/n reassured.

"No I mean your water broke, we have to get you to St.Mungos" Hermione started to panic, rushing around grabbing clothes, the baby bag they prepared for the hospital, while y/n stood in the same position.

"I'm like 70 percent sure I don't throw the receipt out" Y/n whispered to herself

"Y/N!" Hermione yelled, making y/n jump and look at her.

"Can't you see this is an important matter, Mione" Y/n stated


"okay, okay, bloody hell woman, you act like you're the pregnant one" Y/n joked and followed Hermione out the door

Hermione rushed to Y/n's side and opened the passenger side of the car

"But the seat will get all wet" Y/n whined

"Sit down" Hermione spoke through gritted teeth

"Fine" Y/n huffed and sat down

Hermione got in the drivers seat and drove as fast as she could while still being cautious of other cars.

The contractions started to kick in and Y/n's eye widened.

"Holy mother of Godric" Y/n almost yelled.

Y/n bit her lip to keep in the screams of agony this devil child was bringing her.

Finally Hermione arrived at St.Mungos and practically dragged y/n in.

"My wife's in labor" Hermione told the lady at the front desk, who stood up and grabbed a wheel chair and sat y/n in it. The lady brought Y/n and Hermione into a room with a hospital bed with a tv directly across from it and a sink to the right of the hospital bed, with chairs to the left of the hospital bed.

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now