Different perspective

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Your pov.

Something had hit me in the chest, i didn't see what it was but I felt the pressure of it, I felt myself fall backwards, I laid on the floor with my eyes open, but I couldn't see anything, then my mind went blank.

I opened my eyes, the battle was over!, we had done it!, I must've been hit with some sort of jinx because I couldn't remember how I got where I was, I could've sworn I was running and flicking my wand, shouting curses, just a minute ago, I looked around and I saw my friends, they were huddled over something.

"Hey, guys, what're you doing?" I called out, why weren't they celebrating?, we had won.

"Guys?" I called out again, we're they fucking with me?

"GUYS!" There's no way they couldn't hear me, I was yelling.

I walked up to them, to see what they were seeing and my jaw had dropped.

I was looking at my dead body, I watched my friends: Harry, Ron, Neville, Luna, Ginny, and most importantly, and painfully my girlfriend, Hermione, the love of my life, grieve over my dead body, Harry looked horror-stricken, tears streaming down his face, Ron, had buried his head in Ginny's shoulder, who was also crying, Neville's face was painful to see, he looked lost, broken, and Luna had a straight face with tears streaming down it, Hermione, Hermione's was the most painful to see, she had screamed, she had screamed a lot, she had begged and pleaded for me to come back, and she held my body and cried for hours until she was forced off of me by three people, and all I could do was watch.

1 year later

The battle had ended, I didn't really know what to do as a ghost, I stayed with Hermione most of the day, I would occasionally visit my friends now and again, but they were doing better, Hermione on the other hand wasn't.

She looked like death, ironic huh?, though I can't actually see myself, in mirrors there's literally no reflection of me, well duh, Y/n, you're dead.

Being dead wasn't all bad, I could move through walls and doors, and fly around things, I could literally twerk in front of someone and they wouldn't know, but the downside was that I missed Hermione, I missed her touch, and I couldn't eat, I never got full, and it went through me, I should've asked Headless Nick what foods he had at the death day party he had during second year, maybe they'd be appetizing to me now that I'm dead.

I decided to check up on Hermione, in bed as usual, velvet satin sheets tossed around her body, messy golden brown locks entangled in a white pillow, dark chocolate eyes with purple hues underneath, she laid in bed like this every day except for when she had to work, but she never got any sleep.

She looked empty, lost.

Like she was there but not, like if you were to look at her, she wouldn't look at you but through you, she didn't talk except at night when she prayed for the pain to go away, crying and grabbing at her chest, begging any god that could listen.

"Please, please, I've suffered enough, just please help me, bring her back, take away my pain, just something, anything, please, please" she would say

It hurt, it hurt so much to see her like this, I wanted to cry but as a ghost you physically couldn't, but you could feel things.

I never knew that, I always assumed ghosts had no feelings, because they were dead, but boy was I wrong.

I didn't know how much longer I could stand to see her like this, I wanted to see her pretty smile, to hear her beautiful laugh, but all I could see was how much pain she was in.

2 years later

Hermione had gotten better, she didn't spend all day in bed, she didn't pray at night, she occasionally cried, but she had started to see Harry and Ron more, she started to go out again, she was getting ready to go see Ron and Harry now.

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