Hold on ⚠️T.W⚠️

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"You've been on this road too long"
You were standing on the edge of the astronomy tower looking at the beautiful view one last time with tears and blood streaming down your beaten face
"Hearing music but it's not your song"
You were done, done with the way you were treated, like you were invisible, like no one cared.
"Wanna scream but your voice is gone"
You tried to ask for help but all you got in response was "your just trying to get attention", "your faking", "stop being so needy", and "no one cares". You were done with being treated like a nobody all your life
"Dazed, trapped inside your head, can't look down 'cause your world is down"
You thought no one cared about you, what was your purpose in this life, to feel pain? You thought
"Walking miles staring at the ground"
You didn't have any friends, you walked alone to class, you ate alone in your dorm, no one tried to talk to you except a girl you had strange feelings for named Hermione Granger, you didn't know why she kept trying to talk to you, the most recent encounter was earlier today when she said that you looked nice, you gave her a silent nod and walked on confused as to why she was so nice to you, did she pity you, was she making fun of you, was she pretending, you thought.
"All alone in the crowd, letting pockets hold your hands"
Completely invisible, walking to class, only noticed when you were being made fun of or when Granger tried talking to you, other than that, invisible.
"But the sun is always there to shine, the clouds block out the sky"
You stared at the moon and the stars admiring their beauty before your vision would become eluded with darkness forever.
"Oh, hold on just one day, hold on You know you'll find a way, hold on you got stars in your eyes"
Hermione always noticed you when you walked in, she noticed the bags under your red, puffy beautiful (E/C) eyes, the fake smile on your tear stricken face, she noticed your broken heart by just looking in your eyes, the pain you felt hurt her she just wanted to make you happy, she rarely heard your voice but when she did her face would light up at the angelic sound, she tried her best to talk to you, to let you know she cares but you would just nod your head and keep walking afraid of being bullied, Hermione knew you were always bullied, she's noticed you being beaten up, being called names, being body shamed, hell Ron was one of them, she ignored Ron for a month until he apologized to you but you didn't care you just walked away, unbeknownst to you she would hex Malfoy and his goons along with other Slytherins who would make fun of you and beat you up.
"So, let's paint the sky"
Hermione had seen you enter the great hall with your head down, she saw you grab an apple and turn to leave, she got a glimpse of your face: black eye, swollen lip and bruised cheek with blood running from your lip and broken nose. Hermione was furious she wanted to know who hurt the girl she's grown to love, she didn't admit it to anyone her love for you but she did admit that she's wanted to be your friend ever since she saw you on the train, sleeping peacefully on the first year of Hogwarts, something about you to her was so entrancing, and she couldn't figure out what she found so interesting about you until her fourth year when she saw your smile for the first time, Hermione's stomach filled with butterflies, even though you only smiled for a second, Hermione kept a mental image of your beautiful toothy smile, that was when Hermione realized she had more than just friendly feelings and over time those feelings only grew more.
"Oh hold on, just one more time, hold on I'll be your reason why, hold on you've got stars in your eyes"
Hermione followed you secretly as you walked your way to the astronomy tower, she watched in admiration as you lay on the ground looking up a the sky, taking bites of your apple every now and again.
"So, let's paint the sky, so let's paint the sky, it's time to start remembering dreams"
You started singing "I lived" by one republic quietly but just loud enough for Hermione to hear, your soft voice, your gentle and soothing voice filling the starry night.
"Lift your eyes see the things unseen, remember who you wanna be"
You were never shown love or happiness so you don't know what it feels like. You don't know what it feels like to laugh at a joke, you don't know what it feels like to feel happy, you don't know what it's like having friends, you don't know what it's like kissing someone, you don't know what it's like being hugged or held and told everything will be ok, you were only shown pain, verbal abuse from your parents who wanted nothing to do with you after they found out you were a witch, physical abuse from Malfoy and his goons along with some other people from slytherin like a girl named Pansy Parkinson but she kind've reminded you of a muggle dog breed: a pug, you didn't know what joy felt like, you didn't know what it felt like to open Christmas or birthday presents, you haven't had a birthday in years that your starting to forget your birthday.
"Let the light hit your eyes, let out the beauty that's been trapped inside, let 'em know your not gonna hide"
Hermione saw you on floor crying, she wanted to run up and hold you but she didn't want to seem like a creep or a pervert for watching you.
"Hey, up and arms open wide, spread your wings and fly"
You stood up and walked over to the edge of the astronomy tower, looking at the beautiful view one last time with tears and blood streaming down your beaten face.
"But the sun is always there to shine, the clouds don't own the sky"
It was all happening in slow motion for Hermione.
"Oh, hold on just one more day, hold on you know you'll find a way, hold on you got stars in your eyes"
You breathed in; the warm crisp air filling your lungs.
"So, let's paint the sky"
"This is the way it has to be" you thought
"This is your purpose" you thought as you wiped your tears"
"Oh, hold on just one more time"
Hermione ran out and yelled your name
"Y/N don't, hold on"
"Why should I" you yelled back crying
"I'll be your reason why" Hermione exclaimed softly as she held her hand out for you to grab
"Hold on, you've got stars in your eyes"
"W-what" you asked confused, why does she care you thought as you turned your head around to face the sky
"B-because" Hermione stuttered
You stepped closer, one more step and you'd fall and be at peace for once in your life you thought
"I-I LOVE YOU!, OK? NOW COME HERE" Hermione yelled as she grabbed you by the back of your shirt and pulled you away from the edge, turning your body around to face hers
"Hold on"
"No you don't, stop lying" you cried out
"Hold on"
"I-I'm not lying Y/N, I love you" Hermione replied her hand caressing your cheek as you flinched from the contact
"Hold on"
"H-how do you know" you asked staring into her beautiful chocolate eyes
"You've got stars in your eyes"
"This is how I know" Hermione replied softly, eyes filled with nothing but love, she leaned in, closer to your face, closing her eyes
"So, let's paint the sky"
She closed the contact with a kiss, a kiss that made your heart melt, a kiss that made you want to stay, a kiss that made you feel something you've never felt before....love
A/N: if you guys are struggling with something like this DO NOT HESITATE TO MESSAGE ME OR CALL A SUICIDE PREVENTION HELP LINE
you are not alone❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟

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