Happy new years

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A/N: I'm working on requests right now but for the special occasion have this

You were running around Hogwarts looking for the Room of Requirements because there was a huge New Year's Eve party being held there and you were invited by the golden trio-only issue is you have no idea how to get there, the party started at 11:30 and was going to go on until 6 am and you've already spent 20 minutes looking for this damned place, you only had ten minutes to spare before the new year rolled in and you didn't want to miss your chance to kiss your long time crush Hermione.

You were about to give up and go back to your common room when you saw Luna looking up at the Corridor ceiling, naturally you looked up as well and saw a pair of red laced shoes strung to a banner, you felt bad because Luna was always picked on and people hid her stuff to make her seem "looney". You cautiously walked up to Luna.

"Hey Luna" you greeted with a charming smile

"Oh hey Y/n, what are you doing here this late" Luna asked, smiling back

"Oh I'm looking for the Room of Requirements, for the party" you explained

"What party" Luna asked, confused

You felt angry that no one told her, all fourth years and up were going and Luna's a fifth year-making you a sixth year.

"The New Year's Eve party, I've been looking for this damn room for ages" you explained, huffing in annoyance

"Oh I can show you y/n" Luna offered, you  smiled brightly

"That would help a lot thanks Luna but here let me help you" you thanked her
"Wingardium Leviosa" you casted the levitating charm at Luna's shoes and brought them to the floor.

Luna thanked you and told you to follow her, you followed her lead as she walked and checked your watch halfway through the walk and realized you had two minutes left.

"Uh Luna we need to hurry up, there's only two minutes left" you said anxiously

"Oh here we are" Luna beamed, pointing to a wall

"Uhm Luna it's a wall" you replied annoyed

"No silly, think about the party and walk by three times, and it'll open" Luna explained, you checked your watch and saw that you only had one minute so you did as you were told.

Sure enough it opened, you stared at the opening wall dumbfounded, you saw Luna slowly turn around.

"Where do you think your going" you demanded more than asked

"I'm leaving, I wasn't invited, I wouldn't want to intrude" Luna explained sadly

"Well I'm inviting you so let's go" you replied smiling at her.

You walked in and admired the brightly lit room with tons of decorations sprawled on the walls, in the corners, and on the ceiling. You saw Luna skip around the room smiling and then you scanned the room ignoring the loud chattering for your favorite brunette and found her talking to Ron and Harry with a bottle in her hand.


"Oh y-y/n ive m-missed you" Hermione slurred from across the room, clearly drunk.


"Yeah I got lost" you yelled back, pushing your way through the cloud


"Come here" Hermione yelled and then giggled. You smiled softly


"Move" you shouted to the people who were snogging and blocking your way


You saw Hermione put down her bottle and walk towards the dance floor


Shit I'm gonna miss it you thought as you walked


You managed to shove your way through the crowd and saw Hermione dancing


"Dance with me love" Hermione begged, she's never called you love so you blushed heavily at the nickname causing her to giggle


You grabbed her hand and started dancing but you tripped over your feet and landed on Hermione.


Lips met yours and hands found your waist, you opened your eyes to see Hermione, you closed your eyes and grabbed her face, deepening the kiss.


You heard the shouts and cheers but you didn't care, you kept kissing Hermione, your mind and stomach filled with nothing but ecstasy

"It took you awhile" Hermione whispered against your lips

"W-what" you stuttered

"Just shut up and kiss me again" Hermione demanded

"Yes ma'am" you replied cockily, putting your lips back on hers, who knew your clumsiness could result in this. You were thankful that you were going into a new year with the love of your life.

A/N: Hehe happy New Years guys
Hope you enjoyed

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