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Love: can you pick up pizza on your way home from work?

Me: sure, what kind

Love: Pepperoni

Me: ok got it

Love: thank you, I love you <3

Me: I love you too <3

I smiled, this girl and pizza, Atleast she wasn't confused on what she wanted to eat, that'd take forever.

I checked the time on my phone "9: 40 pm" just 20 more minutes and I'm out of this place, I started to finish up my work and submitted my excerpt on why wrongly accused wizards should get another chance at learning magic instead of being forced to live a squibs life.

I tidied up my little work space and once I was done I said my goodbyes to my coworkers and clocked out, I headed out through the fireplace of the ministry of magic and landed outside, I would've apparated to my house but I failed the apparition test, every time I apparated I got injured so they told me it was too risky to apparate and plus Hermione likes driving an automotive, reminds her of the muggle world.

I got into my magenta Honda Civic and started the car, I was still trying to get used to these things, for the longest time I didn't know what "L" stood for, turns out it stands for "low". I reversed out of my parking spot and started driving, I pulled my phone out and looked up nearby pizza places.

"Two wizards pizzas" no go, there was a low rating, Hermione deserves the best.

"golden trio pizzeria" ahh, 4 and a half out of 5 stars and only fifteen minutes away, I dialed in the number and called them.

I kept driving admiring the view of the long trees and the empty roads, and paid attention to the ring of my phone.

"Hello, golden trio Pizzeria, would you like to try our newest extra cheesy chosen one pizza" their names are really not original

"No thanks, I'd like to place an order for pickup"

As I talked I kept my eyes on the road, still no cars, just me and the trees.

"Ok, and what will it be?"

"A large pepperoni pizza and cheesy bread please"

"Ok, anything else?"

"No, that's all thank you"

"It should be done in 10-12 minutes"

"Ok great"

I hung up and turned the radio on.

I couldn't wait to get home and snuggle up with Hermione as we eat, I sighed, a few more minutes and I'd have that.

Something caught my vision, the trees to the left of me rustled.

"What the..." I kept staring and I didn't notice when a deer ran out from the right side, I swerved hard to the left and my car flipped twice and landed hard on its back.

I coughed; blood.

"no, no, no"

I tried my best to look around, I was stuck, my seat ejected forward and I was severely crushed against my steering wheel, my head was pounding and blood dripped into my eyes.

Was I injured?, I couldn't tell.

I tried to wiggle out of the seat, a sharp pain in my stomach made me scream, I looked down.

A large shard of glass was stuck in my stomach, fuck, I'm fucked, where's my phone.

I searched everywhere until I found it on the floor of the passengers seat, fuck this is going to hurt.

I tried to push myself out of the seat, no avail.

I pushed harder, this time with a strained scream, the glass cut deeper, I went nauseas

Finally the seat pushed back enough for me to fall out of it, I toppled onto the passenger seat and grabbed my phone, blood was everywhere, the glass had a cut almost all of my stomach, I knew then I wasn't going to make it, why call for help when I'd be dead before it could get me, I didn't the most sensible thing I could, I called Hermione.

The phone rang for what felt like forever, I knew I didn't have much time left, I was bleeding out horribly and I must've hit my head because it was definitely bleeding.


Come on pick up




Damn it!, Hermione!


"H-hey Hermione"
I felt tears start to sting my eyes

Hey, love, are you on your way home?

"Uhm, y-" I tried to suppress a cough but it didn't work, blood splattered on my cracked phone

I cleared my throat

"Yeah, I am"

"Are you alright?"

"Yup, listen it might be awhile on the pizza"

"That's ok, more time for us to cuddle!"

Fuck, I started to cry, I'd never see her again, I'd never hear her voice again, I'd never feel her again.

The pain was getting worse and I couldn't suppress my moans of pain

"Listen, I just w-wanted you to know that...I love you so much, so much, a-and I want to thank you for being the best w-wife I couI-" started to violently cough

My head was pounding and my stomach was throbbing

"Love, are you sure you're alright?"

I tried too breathe but I couldn't, I mustered one last word

"I love you"

"I love you too, Y/n are you alright? What's wrong?...hello!"

Narrator POV

Y/n dropped the phone as her body went limp, forever.

A/N: Hiii, so the reason for the big break is because I finally had that eye surgery I mentioned awhile back, and I'm not fully recovered but I'm feeling a lot better, sorry for the long break, but here's this.
Hope you enjoyed

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now