Secret Admirer part 3

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No ones POV
Y/n woke up early the next morning, she walked into her bathroom and did her usual morning routine, she looked in her mirror and instead of being greeted by her intrusive thoughts, she was greeted by herself, glowing.

Y/n felt powerful, she was done sulking around, if Ron wanted to play dirty, she'd play dirtier.

Y/n grabbed the letter she had wrote for Ron and left her dorm, her usual cheery demeanor filled the atmosphere except this time she was more confident, more determined to get what she wanted, and what she wanted was Ron to suffer, mentally, of course.

She walked into her first class of the day, noticing no one was in the room, she left the letter on Ron's desk and walked out, on her way to the great hall for breakfast.

Y/n sat down at her table and radiated confidence, people from her table were conversing with her and complimenting her left and right.

"Did you do something with your hair"

"Did you get a boyfriend"

"I love what you did with your outfit today"

"Your makeup is really pretty"

Y/n just thanked them or laughed at their statements, Y/n ate her breakfast, all of it, with no distractions.

Y/n got up from her table and left the great hall, sparing no glances at Hermione.

Y/n spotted Neville in the hallway and called him over, she always appreciated Neville, he was like a little bean but filled with innocence.

"Hey Neville, how are you today" Y/n asked cheerfully

"I've been better, I hate having potions first period, Snape always picks on me" Neville admitted shyly while smiling at Y/n timidly.

"It's okay Neville, think of it this way, Snape is only bothering you because he's jealous of your luscious locks" Y/n joked, earning a heartfelt laugh from Neville.

"But seriously, don't let him get to you, you're an amazing human being and everyone knows it" Y/n encouraged.

"Thank you Y/n, you're the best, you seem more confident today and it suits you, not that not being confident didn't suit you, b-but w-what I mean is that I like it, n-not that I didn't-" Neville started to stutter nervously.

"Thank you Neville, that really means a lot, now come on, we got a class to get to, race ya to it, last one there is a rotten egg" Y/n cut him off and raced him to potions class, surprising everyone in the hallway.

The shy, clumsy Neville Longbottom, and the quiet, but cheery Y/n L/n racing each other down the hallway, laughing, was surely a sight to see.

Once Neville and Y/n got to potions, they giddily took there seats, catching their breath and smiling.

Hermione was sat across from her Boyfriend Ron but her attention was on her best friend, who was smiling at Neville, Hermione felt her own-self smiling as she looked at Y/n's smile but a weird feeling entered her stomach as she watched the way Y/n looked at Neville and vice versa. Hermione tried to pay attention to the lesson but her thoughts kept trailing back to Y/n.

Ron on the other hand had just finished reading the letter addressed to him, with a scoff.

No way this weirdo is going to do anything

Ron thought with a chuckle as he crumpled up the letter and stuffed it in his pocket.

After Potions class had ended Y/n went back to her dorm to think of her next move.

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