Reality of Hogwarts part 3

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You: Hermione you look really beautiful today
Hermione: awe thanks y/n you-
Harry: I don't understand
You: what?
Harry: your whole mood changes when your with her but with us-
Ron: your a total bitch sometimes
You: I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about, stick your heads up someone else's arse and see if they give a damn
Ron: *shocked*
Harry: honestly mate, I expected that
You: anyways Hermione how was your day
*you and Hermione are casually making out when Ron and Harry walk in*
Harry: so are you guys like-
Ron: together?
Hermione and you: no we're just friends
*continues to make out in front of them*
You: Can I kiss you
Hermione: you don't have to ask
You: I do because if we ever get into a fight you can use that against me and say I forced you, always got to be prepared
Hermione: *whispers* good to know....good to know
You: *cautiously looks around*
Hermione: would you still love me if I was a werewolf
Hermione: would you still love me if I was a vampire
You: yes
Hermione: would you still love me if I was a boy
You:....yes why?
Hermione: would you still love me if I accidentally ate your food that was in the fridge
You: you did WHAT
Hermione: honest mistake I swear
You: how-it says "Y/N Y/L/N-DO NOT EAT" how do you mistake this for "Hermione Granger EAT!?"
Hermione: it was dark, I was hungry, it was there
You: I-I need some time
You: Harry and Ron are we still sneaking into filches office to sneak in Fred and George's new invention?
Harry: of course
Ron: I can't wait to prank him and his bloody cat, I swear he's in love with her
Hermione: *stares scoldingly at you guys an opens her mouth to say something before you, Harry, and Ron cut her off"
*You, Harry and Ron at the same time*
No you cont
Hermione: I. Hate. All. Of. You.
*you goofing off with Harry, and Ron while Hermione's trying to work*
Hermione: you guys are so annoying
You: thats not what you said last night *winks and smirks*
*Hermione just glares at you and blushes*
Harry: you said you were studying last night
You: I was, I was studying the female anatomy and blimey it's amazing
Ron: wait so Harry-those weird noises we heard last night were...
*Harry and Ron look between you and Hermione*
Ron: sooooo how was it
*Hermione playfully slaps his arm while you just sit back and smirk*
You: you know what baffles me
Hermione: what is it now?
You: the fact that I ain't never seen two pretty beat friends
Hermione: thats cause we are the pretty bestfriends
Harry: that was the best I've seen you play Y/n
Ron: it was bloody brilliant Y/n
Hermione: I do have to agree with them, you are an exceptional chaser
You: oh stawp itttt...
You: no but keep going
Luna: If you could be an object what would you be, I'd be a star
Ron: I'd be a plate
Harry: I'd be a broomstick
You: I'd be homework
Everyone: why
You: so Hermione can do me everyday *winks*
Hermione: 👀
You: you know what sounds good with your name
Hermione: what
You: my last name
Hermione: you know what sounds good with your game
You: what
Hermione: someone elses last name
You: I'm in painnnnnnnnnn
You: fuck you
Hermione: please
You: upstairs. Now.
Hermione: y/n wanna go study with me
You: uhm, well you see
Hermione: ...
You: I, have, uhm, er
Hermione: ....
You: OH is that Harry?, I'm coming Harry sorry Hermione seems like Harry needs my help URGENTLY
Hermione: hm that was too bad I was going to a reward for every question you got right
You: on second note, Harry's a big boy he fought Voldemort I'm sure he'll live if I study with you instead
Draco: why are you gay
*Hermione walks in*
You: and you have the audacity to ask why I'm gay, I mean have you SEEN WOMAN
*Harry walks in*
Draco: eh I'll stick with men
Ginny: guys I'm NOT BI I'm as straight as a ruler
You: rulers bend you know
Ginny: oh shut it you can't even talk your actually gay
You: atleast I can admit it
*sees Luna walk in*
Ginny: ohhhhh
Ginny: Hermione we're you with Y/N last night?
Hermione: no why?
Ginny: you were moaning her name yesterday-a lot
Hermione: uhh what *embarrassed*
Ginny: I'm pretty sure the whole Gryffindor tower heard you last night
Hermione: *turns to you* I thought you casted the silencing charm!
You: I thought you did!
You: *decides to do a tiktok dance*
You: *start learning the dance*
*you run out of your dorm and into the Gryffindor common room and catch everyone's attention*
Everyone: yes
You: turn on the music
The phone: body crazy, curvy, wavy, big titties, little waist x2
*you start throwing it back and everyone cheers including Hermione who can't keep her eyes off you*
Fred and George: *throwing galleons*
Harry and Ron: ayyyyy *starts dancing*
Neville: *covers his eyes when you throw it back but still praises you*
Ginny: *starts throwing it back with you*
Seamus and Dean: y/n! Y/n!, y/n!
Hermione: *gets turned on at the sight of you dancing and throwing it back and can't seem to stop staring at your ass*
*Everyone in the common room starts cheering your name, you finish dancing and bow*
You: thank you, thank you very much
Hermione: bed. Now.
*Hermione drags you by the arm upstairs to you and hers shared dorm*
Fred and George: y/n's bout to get someeeeeee
You: Hermione are you train, because you really railed me last night
Harry and Ron: *chokes on their food*
Hermione: hey Y/N *points and a panting Harry and Ron* that's what you did last night
You: well played Granger, well played
Harry and Ron: what the fuck is going on
A/N: another one👀
Anyways I hope you enjoyed

Hermione Granger x female reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now